
You’re so cool. So fucking cool. What a blogger. So neat. 

It was all a little heavy handed

Instead, the company took the belts and gave them to the IIconics, a delightful Australian duo that’s nowhere near Banks or Bayley in terms of wrestling ability. This wasn’t a bad choice in itself, as the IIconics are hilarious and having them show up on every brand is a plus.

She’s deeply mentally ill and not on meds. She’s done a bunch of really weird word salad interviews. It’s a bummer. 

I like how you’re just saying stuff with zero basis for your position. It’s super dumb and fun. 

It’s funny how the staff writers for this shit-show blog love digging into the comments save for when it’s stuff like this. I guess it’s a bridge too far to accept responsibility for being a garbage person over a troubled celebrity who is still essentially a kid. 

Nobody cares that you haven’t seen a thing. People who feel the need to let strangers know they haven’t participated in a piece of pop culture are the worst. Stop being this person. 

No other country ever had a 9/11, either.

Nah, she’s still a piece of shit. Wanting good press doesn’t make her a good person. I’m glad her desire to rebrand will benefit someone though. 


It genuinely doesn’t matter unless you’re insecure in your masculinity. 

Cops are garbage. 

You don’t have to qualify shit with your sexual preference, dude. 

The most important thing to take away from all of this is one of Mac’s ancestors gets arrowed in the eye-hole. 

Why? This moment means nothing to me. It’s still dudes playing video games. 

You’re kind of a dipshit.

Wonders why an NHL team isn’t in Quebec City. Proceeds to explain exactly why it makes no sense to have an NHL team in Quebec City.


They didn’t feel bad about it. They felt potentially caught about it. Get the fuck out of here with that revisionist bullshit. 

There is no such thing as a well-intentioned cheat who uses wealth to abuse the system. Fuck her forever too. 

This is dumb, though I’m positive you were aware.