
Shut up.

At this point, anything that upsets gamers makes me infinitely happy. They’re shitty piss babies who go to great lengths to lash out at anyone for anything. They’re largely racist, misogynistic incels who need to be fired into the sun with a giant clown cannon.

I don’t even care if this is a legitimate complaint. I

Or, you can do what you did, and look it up. This has been in the news forever. 

You do realize nobody is suggesting getting rid of every highway ever, yes? 

I can totally believe WrestleMania ended that way. Vince is an asshole. 

We’re big, dumb animals. 

You’re kinda dumb. And you responded to your own post. 

Says after repeatedly nailing themselves to said cross, following up comment with one last cross nailing. 

Yeah, you’re definitely dumb. 

Ras Trent turned into a real asshole. 

We are deeply fucking arrogant to believe animals don’t experience complex emotional lives. 

Hey, write a screenplay. I’ll wait.

Gamers pouting about game things. We’ll all be dead in twenty years. 

Oh, well thank goodness he’s a hard worker.

You’re dumb. 

I’m not sure what how much money adults responsible for the welfare of the children in their care have to do with anything.

I say, as I leave a typo in my post. -_-

Nothing to feel bad for. She’s has literally every opportunity to become a functional adult that know their words from the day she was born. That she feels such disdain for knowing stuff while taking the spot of a person who can spell...and study, and go to class, makes her supremely gross. 

You are deeply mentally ill. 

So, Trump wins some more. The Mueller report, and the dipshit lawyer that represented Stormy Daniels. He gets to essentially tell his base, and at this point even the less repulsive version of republicans, that everyone who pursued him was wrong. They’ll eat it up. 2020 is gonna suuuuuuuuuck.