

Read the fucking thread you incredible dipshit.

Being not funny must be exhausting. 

Here, I’ll make it easy for you. I’m just going to type a random emoticon at you while you flail at me. Liking your own posts is pathetic. 


You’re an inadequate troll. 

I don’t really care. 

Read the rest of the comments. 

By the way, other people can see when you like your own posts, you sad weirdo. 😀

Sure, yeah. I oversimplified my response. I agree. 

At this point you’re just trying to get the last word. Not gonna happen. 

You’re right. I meant that you can still just as easily have a stroke in your youth as being elderly depending on a variety of factors. 

Nah dude, it’s okay. You’re the worst. It’s fine. 

Cool story. You’re not smart and a bad person. It’s fine. We’re on the same page now.

No dude, it’s fine. I get it. You’re too stupid to grasp this. You’re an egotistical, self-obsessed cunt. It’s all good. You’re spinning your wheels at this point.

I bet you have a paper bag full of spray paint next to you.

Who gives a fuck if you’re a fan you self-important moron. How are you this aggressively stupid and vain? 

Yes, you fucking moron. If you qualified your statement about his death with whether or not you liked his music, you are being a fuckwad. One-hundred percent. A piece of shit who had to make a person’s death about your tastes. A weird need to let people know your opinion at a time when it least matters. Yes,

Nobody cares if you’re a fan. You made this about your tastes in pop culture, which is bizarre. Something is deeply wrong with you. Seek help.
