
So far it appears seventeen people agree you’re a festering, self-important cock-hole who made another human’s death about your taste in pop culture. Way to go, fuck-o!

God you’re dumb. You can’t even infer the clear meaning of what more than one person has explicitly told you correctly. How are you that dumb? Who failed you? 

Nobody gives a fuck what you think of his work you immense idiot. You are a shitty person. Die in a fire. 

You are an idiot. 

Oh, you’re right! I was wrong, it was three people. Plus me. You’re a noticeable ass. Congrats!


Your need to mention your opinion of his career makes you a piece of shit. It’s not really debatable.

Also, dude, if you speak English as a second language, it makes your angry posts super hilarious. If you ARE a native English-speaker and this is how you communicate, goddamn. 

Right. What does that have to do with Kate Beckinsale and Pete Davidson? Like, how does that term apply in your mind? 

Also, I’m pretty sure you don’t know what misgivings means. You certainly applied it wrong. 

There are literally five other people saying the exact same thing to you. Your brain is full of worms. 

God you’re dumb. Holy shit. 

Nobody gives a fuck if you were a fan of his work. If you gave a shit about him as a person it would never occur to you to offer a dumb caveat to an otherwise benign statement. That more than one person noticed it should probably tell you that you were being a fucking cunt. 

I like how this response makes no sense. It’s not a great schtick, but at least you commit. 

That’s not what uncanny valley means. 

Or, and this will probably blow your mind, your opinion of his work one way or the other had literally nothing to do with him dying. It must be difficult getting through a day being this fucking stupid. 

You dipshits who feel the need to qualify whether or not you like the work of a dead person are the fucking worst. 

To be fair, he’s a Weeble-Wobble. 

Bork Laser might be my new favorite thing now. Thank you. We are friends. 

Strokes have very little to do with your age. 

Most of the time I just start reading an article without checking the author, and this is particularly true with everyone using the same profile pic now.

As soon as I get to the shitty jokes, I immediately know it’s Michael Harriot. Jesus fucking Christ he sucks. Like, beyond writing an article last year he was forced