
It warms my heart to see “pivot to video” pivoting to obsolescence.

2K wins by continuing to sell their games no matter how much dumb gamers cry about something that, logically, they should have known would happen.

Gamers are idiots, news at eleven.

Yeah, it’s totally JR’s fault. He doesn’t have a boss or anything telling him exactly what to do and say.

You are really fucking lame.

...I don’t think he understands what PTSD is.

You mean the show that’s doing really well with the lead that’s been working steadily since the show when off the air?

I finished it in an hour. It was painfully dull for the most part.

Over exaggerate about it.

No, they shouldn’t.

This would mean something if the vaaaast majority of people who consume The Simpsons would have given the remotest of fucks about the consistent portrayal of stereotypes on the show for the last almost thirty years. But they generally haven’t, and the media suddenly caring now rings pretty hollow.

You’re writing about

Last word.

I can literally do this until this site doesn’t exist anymore. You’re stuck until you give up. Which you will.

Last word.

Oh yes, I have to play Last Word with a loooooot of morons. Maybe you can shrug about it.

Last word.

That thing where nice things still happen in the world. That much-needed thing.

huuuuuur shrugshrugshrugshrugshrugshrug

I bet you’re the kind of person who types *sigh*

Nice shtick, jackass. Last word.

Cool story.

Oh, I see. We’re playing last word. Here, let me trap you in a loop until you give up.

Last word.

Yeah, you’re trying way too hard and this isn’t working. Type *shrug* about it a dozen times though and convince yourself you won something.

I can be perfectly placid and think you’re an idiot. That tends to be how things work.