
Fucking old people.

You’re an idiot, and typing “shrug” makes you doubly so.

I get that you’re okay with that. All idiots are.

You have zero idea if there is proof because you have zero in-depth interaction with the actual lawsuit outside of this article.

Still no excuse.

I’m always quite happy when YouTubers fail.

I like how you’re pretending you knew that and just forgot.

Shitting on the game has nothing to do with the topic of the piece. Get a fucking grip.

I like how he just kinda winged it to get through it and didn’t really care how much shit he didn’t read correctly.

Yeah, the film is excellent. It’s fun, designed to be hokey as fuck and all over the place. This dude obviously is welcome to his opinion, but there is a reason The Disaster Artist has been near universally loved thus far. It’s a blast.

You get that your opinion doesn’t exactly mean anything, right? Like, when someone proves your dumb point wrong, pivoting won’t actually change anything.

See, that’s how things work. If you aren’t charged with a crime, you get to not be barred from doing your job because some dipshit on the internet decided you needed to be. You’re a goddamn idiot.

Before we didn’t want you to enjoy Destiny 2, but now we do.

In general, my job as a critic is to comment on what a TV show is doing, rather than suggest what it should be doing.

Dude needs to go away.

Nothing you wrote made any sense.

Soooo, you can’t even match the appropriate clip with the entire point of your piece. Sounds about right.

but not because people are laughing at what a great bit it was (it wasn’t)’s pretty clear he had very little to do with any drama. She tried to keep his kid away from him. What’s he supposed to do, shrug it off to make some dickhead on the internet happy?

Dude, you’ve been proven wrong. Stop trying. It’s fucking weird. Just go, “Oh, he can practice law. I know a new thing now.”

Ohhhh, I get it. You’re a weak troll. Ha, almost got me. Fuck.