
I like how you’re rolling through my comments like I give the remotest of fucks what you say. <3

You’re an idiot. Bye.

Last word.

It must upset you that this isn’t working.

You’re trying too hard.

I love telling people they’re fucking morons. What’s your point?

I feel like you have issues with reading comprehension.

You’re a goddamn idiot. Jesus fuck.

I stopped paying attention to anything you might have said after, “lmfao.”

Eat my ass.

Where you trying to be witty? I genuinely can’t tell.

Here’s a neat story, bright star. Development isn’t free. Studios don’t shit IP into exist from nothing. Devs get paid, sound folks get paid, everyone has to get paid, and partitioning a team off to create a standalone creation, free to you or not, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a cost built into making content for you

No, it isn’t.


I don’t care what you think about things. do realize they’re using the law to pursue this issue, yes?

Said fourteen year old probably revels in infuriating people, very likely has a litany or racist, homophobic put downs on the ready, can totally go fuck himself.

I hope every shitty asshole kid ruining an experience people pay money for has to have their parents dragged into court on their behalf.

I like how you’re an expert on exactly what would happen just for benefit of commenting here.

You have zero idea what the response was. Your need to dramatize an already dramatic situation is weird.

Yeah, we’re all exactly the same people we were when we were sixteen. You’re brilliant.