
Are we playing Last Word? I can play Last Word.

Shut up.

Player doesn’t do exactly what they did last year.

Shitty writer makes shitty sports take about it.

Movies and sketch comedy aren’t even comparable. He was just another cast member on SCTV.

It’s one of the most well-regarded John Hughes movies. The fuck are you on about?

Because you’re the only person that appears to give a fuck.

Best dogs.

Grammar corrections have no expiration date.

Last word. <3

Last word.

Ha, oh man. Such a great story.

Last word.

If you can’t tell that he was, you’re far dumber than I was giving you credit for.

Oh, cool. We’re playing a game of Last Word.

I’ll win this.

You’re already recycling lines? You really are horrid at trolling.

You wrote one line. It was dumb, because you are. Trying to wrangle the other comments as a defense of your dipshittery is hilarious. Type LOL more though. It’s the refuge of weak trolls. <3

I like how you’re pretending your dumb sentence had some sort of deeper meaning that everyone simply missed.

You’re an idiot. Try harder.

Yeah, it’s pretty amazing how people can like a thing they like. Dipshit.

It’s called a personal opinion. Your questions was fucking dumb, being that you already knew the answer.


Last word.