
You’re trying too hard.

How are you this dense?

How does one say something so aggressively stupid? Like, how does that thought form, and then get out of your fucking head? It baffles the mind.

Eat shit.

they said they didn’t care if these military people lived or died.

Yeah, his statement was fucking dumb.

You’re an idiot.

They literally scrapped the entire script, so no, that won’t be the case.

You’re trying too hard.

Counterpoint - Who gives the remotest of fucks? Your weird desire to get more mileage out of this show editorially is painfully obvious. This is a hilariously idiotic piece.

I don’t think Franken did anything wrong, but I think he’s falling on his sword because what other option does he have?

Cosplayer Kinda Looks Like Jennifer Connelly.

There you go. Fixed it.

They’re like everyone else. They’re a cross-section of society, and society is full of fuck-sticks.

You do realize most Marines had no idea who John Kelly was, right? He wasn’t the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Trying to make a lame connection based on your clear lack of understanding of command structure makes you sound like an idiot.

You’re a fucking idiot. There isn’t any secret, controlled internet servicefolk are restricted to. And the rest is conspiratorial bullshit.

I’m not sure what that has to do with being a racist piece of shit.

Shut the fuck up. Every branch is stuffed with goddamn morons, and they leave as goddamn morons because they joined as goddamn morons.

I don’t think you understand what irony is.

No Marine gives a shit if you call them Marines. What are you on about?
