
Gamers are pieces of shit, news at eleven.

Cool story.

Last word.

Dumb piece with a dumb question you already know the answer to.

Like all gamers, you’re super bad a trolling.

But hey, if we’re playing a game of Last Word, I’ll win that. <3

You seem upset. Mad, even.


I love this lady. do realize you’re being that fan with those comments, right?

You are very much reaching with Lucas’ dad.

Who gives the remotest of fucks that she was a former prom queen?

You literally point out that she was a community activist, but you chose prom queen? Like, none of that shit actually matters, but if you’re going to unnecessarily fill out your headline, maybe pick the valuable stuff she did rather than the high school

I like how you’re judging before you have any concrete idea what it’ll look like.

You’re an idiot.

Oh, yay. More Vex. So fun.

Right, because people aren’t allowed to have tastes particular to them.

Get a grip, dipshit.

You missed a really great opportunity to say Shedd is shaped like a shed.

Yeah? Prove it.

Counterpoint - it’s dumb, just like every other religious utterance.

Whereas the ham-fisted Guardians of the Galaxy movies try to repackage the age old “Cocky, Midwestern white guy stumbles into heroism and wins over the native/alien/brown woman” shtick with an easy-listening, early ’80’s soundtrack

...if people are buying this, it’s highly likely they have friends with Microsoft consoles.

Like, did you just need another bullet point?

So fuck Alex Ovechkin I guess.