
Why is this going after a black woman rather than going after someone that is a woman that happens to be black over something she said that was aggressively erroneous?

If you make everything a thing then actual things lose their impact. Fucking stop.

Good dude is good dude.

How the fuck does an adult have zero concept of how sentences work?

This is sad. You really can’t help yourself, can you?

You are trying so, so hard right now. Keep telling me you’re going to ignore me then writing mini-novels because you can’t help yourself, however. It’s super impressive and you’re totally going to win the thing eventually. Promise.

How do you tally up faux-ally points and where do you apply them? I’m curious how they work. Are they like Bitcoin? I’ve always wondered.

Okay, guy.

I don’t need you to admit you’re wrong. You just are.

Water is wet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ do realize when you respond to something you haven’t ignored it, right?

Keep being a try-hard, White Guy Here. <3

Ah, sorry. Tone and intent don’t always translate.

Yeah, folks that announce their ally-ness are generally the worst.

By doing what, exactly?

Great story. Last word.

Neat. Last word.

Cool. Last word.

Are we playing Last Word? I’ll win at Last Word.

W-w-w-weeeeeak trooooooll.

You’re trying too hard. <3

Seriously, she’s the fucking worst.

“If I’d known that rubbing my idiot lips on a thing other idiots have rubbed there lips on might give me something gross, I’d have never done it.”

*cabbage patches into jet intake of a 757*

Let’s be clear, network television is almost by definition mediocre because it’s meant to cast the widest demographic net possible. This was Comedy Central, which historically supports women and people of color in their programming. Larry Wilmore’s show was balls.

Also, let’s not forget that Steve fucking Harvey is a