
Trevor Noah. Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key. Dave Chapelle.

You’re a try-hard white guy trying to score points in a game nobody is actually playing. And that’s not even getting into talk/variety/news shows off Comedy Central.
Wendy Williams. Motherfucking Oprah, whose show only ended because she decided to stop

Counterpoint - It was a bad show, and you being a white guy has nothing to do with it.

She’s confused provocation with being an aggressive idiot. Even more gross that she uses the plight of people of color and women as a shtick rather than, you know, actually giving a fuck about it.  

Shit like this makes me stupidly happy.

Dude, that ship has long sailed. Normal people don’t identify with conservatives, and there will never be a way to put that back in the box now. You can’t support fascists and be all, “But let’s find some common ground later.” It’s woven into the fabric of our terminally ill media. I don’t think this gets unbroken.


You seem very confused.

Can you read?


There were definitely moments of brilliance, but they were mixed in with a whole lot of boring segments, and again, dude constantly tripped over his own punchlines.

It was bad enough to get cancelled. So, I dunno what to tell you.

She has bad journalist thoughts designed to get clicks on her shitty articles. Outside of using them as a cheap tool (which, coincidentally, gives shitty white people ammunition against her colleagues who actually do thoughtful work), her color and gender never enter into it.

She’s bad at her job.

Seriously, she knows. This is her thing. She’s an awful writer with butt takes.

Watch his early shows and watch his stuff now. He’s completely evolved. Dude actually has something to say. It’s completely his show now, and he’s fucking great.

Soooo, you didn’t watch the show, but you know what the show was about?

I did watch the show. It was the Daily Show with a black host, essentially. Politics, social pieces, field reports as parody. He did a roundtable thing, that was pretty much the only significantly new addition to the show layout. And of course, he

Read the rest of Isha’s stuff. Bad takes are her bread and butter.

So women and people of color are to blame for not being able to score a late night show because they simply don’t want it enough.


You mean...shows end? What a fucking conspiracy.

He could have had a less shitty show. He was bad. Really bad.

or because he’s finally old as hell