
You’re trying too hard.

I’ll win at a game of Last Word if that’s what we’re playing.

People who use exclamation points in sentences are dumb.

Only one side is beating the fuck out of civilians.

Eat shit. They’re sending police to beat civilians. There’s nothing more simple and evil than that.

No, her description did not match Louie, and I’ve heard the story. She didn’t imply anything about him. You are a fucking idiot.

Right, and like I, she didn’t. How is this confusing you?

A horse. He’s a horse.

Fuck that. Hitting them accomplishes a lot.

Yeah, pants mostly pulled down and bra halfway off. Definitely an accident. I know when I’m trapped in a freezer, my go-to move for survival is to haphazardly remove clothing. Fuck these investigators.

What a dumb fucking decision. Ruin your buildup of a return to the ring for Kurt because you’re panicked about PPV buys. Brilliant.

Dude, it’s like you’ve never played Destiny before. They don’t talk about everything, they tend to address near all of your issues eventually. They’re annoyingly tight-lipped and they’re gonna fuck up a lot, but we’ll eventually get most of what we like. Stop being such a gamer.

How fucking creepy was that last one.

That suggests Rick and Morty is trying to be relevant to an actual human being’s life. It isn’t. It’s taking kernels of stuff we recognize and blowing it out exponentially into something fantastical and almost unrecognizable. BoJack is definitely another animal so far as tone and intent is concerned.

I don’t really

Bye. <3

You’re a moron.

The last one that was worth a damn was WWE ‘12.

Countdown is the fucking worst.

Something something tired rant, something something weak insults, something something obnoxious overuse of ellipsis.

You’re trying way too hard.

In the court of public opinion, why the hell not?