
Why are you talking to me?

No, she didn’t. You filled in the blanks.

If you’re over sixty five, no political office for you.

Because he’s a dumb white person doing doing dumb white people things.

What does responding have to do with answering personal questions? None of you are terribly bright.

The part where I said I didn’t want to be involved with your dumb circle jerk of internet acquaintances sleuthing about the nonexistent deeper meaning in my SN should’ve tipped you off that I wasn’t interested in being engaged.


After you turned this into something about your women fingers (because clearly in your world, disagreeing with you has everything to do with your vagina, and nothing to do with you not being able to make a point), the stink of your persecution complex kinda made it easy to treat you like a jackass. <3

You aren’t even passably good at smarm. None of you are. It’s odd that you want my attention this bad.

You aren’t very good at this.

Super neat story. Last word.

Oh, we’re playing a game of Last Word. I’ll win this.

I don’t care what you’re curious about.

You didn’t have a point.

Someone who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone who posts here, much less follows them. I signed up like everyone else. If you weirdos know and follow each other, neat-o for you. Leave me out of it.

I have zero interest in the community here. I don’t follow anyone. I don’t care about any of you. I’m an expat and I used that in my SN. There isn’t a mystery to solve here. Get a fucking grip.

I’m going to repeat this. He was accused by an anonymous person, who even then was allegedly speaking on behalf of a wronged party that never came forward themselves, and none of it ultimately went anywhere. And then a narrative was created where suddenly, there have been multiple accusations when that was

He’s been accused once. One time. One. And that person ninja vanished without a trace, and literally all of the other supposed accusations, according to the two that made them, clarified that they weren’t talking about him.

This shit has nothing to do with timing. Releasing films has nothing to do with protecting your

No, it doesn’t.

So you don’t care that she’s openly racist? Neat.

Dude, she’s a racist piece of shit, and unapologetically so. I don’t feel bad for gross people when gross things happen to them. Russel Crowe being white has zero to do with anything. He was a ridiculous dickhole reacting as advertised per his entire history, and she was probably being as weird and horrible as she’s