
Fuck the entire fuck off.

You really should have been talking to Andy Howell.

You are such a try-hard.

Why would anyone here be able to explain that?

You do realize lots of people have died on the pitch from collisions, yes?

Ugh. Jesus fuck.

Like, you knew while you were typing this it was a shitty, dumb take.

The takeaway? Gamers are fucking morons.

why is the reigning national champion playing on the road on a Friday night, anyway?

Male dude.

This clause has nothing to do with stories. I’ve been working as a journalist for almost a decade and I’ve never had anything like this in any contract I’ve signed.

Men in Hollywood are responsible for saying a thing because maybe they heard about a thing and if they don’t respond fast enough they’re somehow complicit with said thing.

You aren’t even giving a half-assed effort to hide the trolling in this article.

So the part where Dana said that would be his next fight and the thing where McGregor said he’s going to fight this year either escaped you, or didn’t fit the narrative of your dumb as fuck piece. Brilliant.

People born in ‘81 are still millennials, they’re simply the oldest, crustiest versions.

That’s what you took away from this?

Hiding? Are you dumb?

By the way I loooove that you name dropped working in the film industry, like that’s a measurement of something. Being a PA doesn’t give you any more cred than being a producer.

I work in the film industry as well. What’s your fucking point?

What are you on about? The Nice Guys was exceptionally well received and reviewed. How would you come to the conclusion you’re somehow and outlier in liking a popular film?  

Are you kidding? This is exactly the depth of content and substance this audience was built for. They’ll scream and do weird shit for even less, actually. This show is dumb. It has a dumb audience. Peas in a dumb pod.