
Normally, I would agree with you, but the age and power differential between this guy and the women with whom he has been involved supports BunsandScones’ interpretation.

Apparently the three other very young women/teens with whom he has fathered children were also African American. The guy has a type.

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve often thought that it would be harder for me to reconceptualize my relationship with one of my children if they came out as trans* than if they came out as gay or bisexual. You describe really well why that might be - because it forces you to recast your own memories and identity , in

She’s wearing gold chains and a sideways hat, and using the word “posse”. You don’t think there’s any hip hop appropriation there? Not even a little?

Why IS she wearing her hat sideways, then? What is she trying to invoke?

You don’t think it’s at all noteworthy that Romney (of ‘you people’ fame) is appropriating hip hop culture and all but donning blackface?

Yeah, I have some friends like that with whom I worked on a nondiscrimination ordinance. It happens. But I don’t think that it would be *wrong* for someone to say, “Hey, I love you and I support you, but a certain type of sexytimes is important to me and this isn’t going to work for me.”

There’s no wrong answer, but

Oops, I should have said “recent and very long-term romantic partner and mother to his children.”

Eh, I’m gonna give Kris a pass here (and only here). We’d all love to believe that we would be our best selves 100 percent of the time, but Bruce’s transition has a pretty profound impact on Kris’s life, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has some conflicted feelings about it.

It’s inspiring that Bruce is living his

We did. I didn’t see the point. We had people do readings, but no maid of honor, no bridesmaids, no responsibilities for people other than showing up, maybe reading a poem, getting drunk, and having fun.

Of course, I’m still not sure what the bridesmaid is supposed to do. I mean, I can put on my own dress, and my hair

The article is wrong (I looked at the Russian language source). They were dancing in front of the Malaya Zemlya monument, which is in Novorossiysk. You can see it here, and in the background of their video:

So, I have lived and worked in Russia on and off for a long time now. The amazing thing to me about the schoolgirl video is how unremarkable it is. That sort of thing, the outfits, the suggestive dancing, is the NORM, or at least was five years ago.

So, really the issue here is how far apart the government and the

I think the issue is that public schools have a mechanism in place for continuing education at home. This is usually organized at the district level, and they have funding for teachers to come to your home, and for a curriculum to be developed. Quite simply, the public school system is large enough to have these kinds

Dude, the Ukrainian guy has already beat the life expectancy statistics by at least 10 years. Bruce should cut him some slack.

Oh, I’m not saying that those folks shouldn’t get paid. I’m saying that a lot of these young people have very impressive resumes, every inch of which was purchased. So, they look great to college admissions counselors but they literally have opportunities for advancement that 99% of their peers do not.

I wouldn’t be so sure. She was one of them, and someone who had come up from within the DEA establishment.

I think it would require a fundamental paradigm shift. Because then she might have to consider that all the things that made her an acceptable candidate to begin with were also bought. The Harvard-Westlake education. The dressage lessons. The “volunteer trip” to hold orphans in Ecuador that she wrote a heart-wrenching

You got me. I genuinely laughed out loud.

I don’t want to assume that this girl is one of them, but my experience with folks like this is that they justify it by saying “But my dad works hard for his money, and that scholarship means that people like you can attend.”

As if her dad works harder as a film exec than any of the rest of us plebes whose parents