
Yes. Absolutely. The scariest part is that chiropractors (and cranio sacral therapy people, and naturopaths) present themselves as being able to deal with this stuff.

I'm not saying there's no room for alternative medicine, absolutely. But there's a time and a place for everything, and a chiropractor is not going to fix your measles.

Their argument is basically that people in the past were not properly nourished, so their bodies were more susceptible to infection. They also argue that illnesses like measles were on their way out BEFORE vaccines came on the market. They are wrong, from a historical perspective, but they operate in these closed

No. This is 100% a thing. I've known maybe 150 anti-vaxxers in my parenting journey to date and ALL of them combine non-vaxxing with an elaborate regimen of supplements, reiki, chiropractic care, and other woo woo alternative medicine.

Of course, much of it is an elaborate scam, but here's an example:


As someone who was non-vaxxing curious, but who eventually decided to vaccinate on the normal schedule, I feel like I have a tiny bit of insight into what is going on inside the non-vaxxing community.

It's almost like a cultural disconnect. The important thing to realize is that non-vaxxers are not just rich

I agree that the trans remarks are wrong, since they are indeed riffing on standard definitions of masculinity. The insinuations that Graham is gay, though? Those are based on straight-up DC gossip of the highest order, some of it fairly credible.

I'm not saying Graham is a gay man, or even a man who sleeps with

That family in Idaho, where the 3 year-old shot his mom in Wal*Mart? They had a bunch of kids, but she was middle class, college-educated, and working as a scientist.

The poor don't have a lock on stupid decisions, and the middle-class don't have a lock on good ones. Stupidity knows no racial/class/or income lines.

To be fair, his dad was a *magistrate* judge in Virginia, but junior keeps getting caught beating women in Florida. I honestly don't think the "judicial connections" are the issue here. A lack of seriousness when it comes to prosecuting people for intimate partner violence is a bigger part of the problem.

It's worse than that. It's "everyone can make it in this country is they are well connected enough to get a good job."

Smart gets you nothing when public education is being dismantled and there are no more entry-level jobs, just unpaid or low-paid internships that are handed out according to whose parents donated to

They give you an option of setting the date for the gift membership to send, so I set it to arrive the day before my current Prime membership ends. We'll see if it works!

They give you an option of setting the date for the gift membership to send, so I set it to arrive the day before my

I don't want to give this guy any credence, but is it even remotely possible that a "med school friend" had a video of an abortion? Like, for educational purposes? I'm way more able to believe that his friend showed him a DVD than I am that he got to sit in on an abortion.

I'm not sure how what you are saying negates the article. The article is specifically about how many toddlers (kids under 4) were killed by guns. The number is higher than the number of cops killed by guns.

Dragging in the intentional gunshots of teenagers doesn't undercut the point of the article, which was about

If you click through to the full article, you can extrapolate some numbers. About 77% of the gun-related injuries were "accidental," which I think we can assume means kids shooting kids and adults accidentally shooting kids. About 18% were "assault" which is where unintended shooting of kids while trying to shoot

I've had it IN Turkey and still like it more in theory than in practice. Unless it's the kind covered with nuts, then I like it quite a bit.

I'm happy that Transparent exists, and generally happy that it won, but don't LOVE it as a show. I like the idea of Transparent more than I like Transparent itself. Kind of like Turkish Delight.

10 bucks says they do the fake Bar Mitzvahs for Christian kids. Cultural appropriation, it's not just for jazz and dream catchers anymore!

Remember when the Romneys named an adopted African American boy "Black" (in Gaelic)? That was awesome.

So, the medical care wouldn't be free, necessarily, for a US citizen in France or the UK, but it would be significantly less expensive than what one would pay out of pocket in the US. Single payer brings lower healthcare costs because the government negotiates directly with care providers, pharmaceutical companies,

Local knowledge! Super helpful.