
I don't know if she's still a celebrity, but I do know that it is her former celebrity status that allows her the platform that she has.

If it is a possibility in your area, I've had really good luck with certified nurse midwives for well woman care, including family planning.

Shhhh...I love Ina May. I have a soft spot for old hippies in braids. Probably comes from growing up in an area rich in "back to the land" folks.

Oh, that sucks. I didn't start until 13, and have tended not to get my cycle back for over a year after giving birth (so I get at least 2 years off). I can't imagine starting down 30 years of bleeding every month. Sorry.

I've read that some women have good luck with those pills that you take continually and then

Not to mention that having a lifetime of periods isn't "natural." Our foremothers were pregnant or nursing FAR more than we are, so their cycles were suppressed.

Let me establish my crunchy bona fides: I had two natural childbirths, one in a birth center. I nurse my kids way past infancy. I have used natural family planning to both avoid becoming pregnant and to become pregnant. I am Ricki Lake's target audience, but I think this is utter bullcrap.

Yes, there are risks to

I feel very strongly that he looks like JRM in the Tudors.

For some reason I can't embed a photo, but here you go:


It's the toy companies. They want people to buy more toys, so they code toys for "boys" or "girls" so that families with one or more of each sex feel compelled to buy toys they already have. You know, since they don't want their boys playing with pink or purple Duplos.

I'll admit that my 5 year-old didn't really bite at the Goldie Blox kit, but I wasn't sure if it was a problem with the kit or just her preference for a more narrative style of play. For her, I have better luck with something like the Magna Tiles, since it can be pitched as "Why don't you build a house for your

Well, the trans woman also thinks the authorities are a bunch of dumb hick Canucks who can't even work the Google machine because they let her keep her phone, whereas I think they probably let her keep her phone as a courtesy. So...let's just say I'm not totally inclined to take her perceptions as gospel.

That sucks. I'm actually okay with there being some sort of consequence of overstaying a visa, but 10 years seems overly punitive. Maybe 5? I also appreciate that the law is applied fairly consistently. It would be easy to say, of this case, "But she's English and has a job in London; she isn't going to become an

If that's the case, are we allowed to call it "appalling?" I mean, unless the author of this article is also trans*, that is.

I don't disagree with you about transphobia, but I also think Jez set up this situation badly. With a clickbaiting headline detailing "appalling treatment," most of us were expecting far worse. Verbal abuse, being thrown into general population in a men's prison, something extraordinary. Instead, what we found was

It's not really like that at all, unless you do not think that we should segregate prisoners by sex at all.

While I actually think that putting her in a solitary cell within a co-ed facility was the correct choice, I think you're missing a pretty big point here with your "slippery slope" argument. She both self-identifies as a woman AND is gendered as a woman on her passport, meaning that she's done some specific legal

I'm with you. The officers could use some sensitivity training on misgendering folks, but everything else seems correct to me. Housed alone in a co-ed facility? Makes sense. Detained for past visa shenanigans? Yeppers.

I don't know about Canada, but the United States has a blanket 10-year moratorium on re-entry if you have overstayed your visa in the past. So it is possible that the answer is "nothing would have convinced them."

I don't think folks are questioning her ability as an athlete, but Russia has many many talented athletes. For her to be the one to bring the torch into the stadium smacks of favoritism, either personal or political (she is also an MP with Putin's party).

I don't think she's been seen in public in over a year, so maybe....

Similarly, Galina Lukashenko (wife of Belarusian president for life Alexander Lukashenko) hasn't been seen in over a decade.