
Oh, I haven't even finished the thread but have to recommend the ring sling for a newbie. Better yet, depending on season, a fleece pouch. My winter baby lived in the fleece pouch for months. I even found you one:…

Agreed. Industrialization may well have come to Russia eventually, and I think the cost was absolutely too high for both industrialization and collectivization, but there's no question that the Soviets took a country that had largely failed to modernize since feudalism and moved it into the 20th century. They also

Here's the thing: tacos and tequilas sounds delicious. Just have the tacos and tequilas. No stupid sombreros, no ethnic stereotypes. Just tacos. Delicious delicious tacos. And some tequila.

Yeah, Mugabe is an interesting case because he comes from a place of legitimate anti-colonialism but has become an authoritarian despot. A better example might be the twisted relationship that exists between some Arabs in places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar and their Asian household staff.

I've totally run into folks who think Blacks can't be racist, full stop. They are invariably proponents of this idea that racism needs institutional backing in order to exist, and invariably have never considered that the entire world does not share the US's racial history. I mean, I think you can make a strong

My other problem with the "power definition" of racism is that it is incredibly Euro-centric, if not just US-centric. That definition basically assumes that world history begins and ends with Europe and the United States, and leaves out the incredibly complicated racial history of much of the rest of the world. I

As I understand it, the point is to get a "do over" except with the blood, forceps, and screaming. I don't totally buy it, but it doesn't seem to do any harm and the babies seem to like it, so as far as weird newborn stuff goes, it seems low on the weirdness scale. I mean, remember a few weeks ago when we got to

To be clear, I'm not really advocating for the Leboyer Birth thing. I mean, I took a bath with my newborn maybe 24 hours after he was born, but that wasn't to recreate birth, it was to get me clean and have another chance for cuddling. I just looked it up after it seemed clear that these babies were not in a birth

Another convert! I love midwifery care, and hope you are having a respectful and positive experience with your care providers. Will you be in the same hospital/birthing center as you were with your first? I had my first in a regular L&D ward and my second in an in-hospital birthing center. Both were very positive

I'm guessing they are both slightly smaller than your average newborn, since twins usually are. They might also have been born a little earlier, since this is also common of twins. That might explain why they look a little unformed.

Yeah, the theory as I understand it is that childbirth is traumatic for the babies, what with being squished out a small tunnel or being pulled out a surgical incision. So folks recreate the birth experience in a peaceful way by putting the babies *almost* underwater and then very very slowly bringing them out.

Congratulations! The nausea is wicked, and I know it was worse with my second than my first, but it'll pass. Here's wishing you a happy and healthy coming six and a half months, and a strong little peteit(e) comte/comtesse.

I heard that as well, and I'm trying hard not to let it get in the way of my squeeeeee at the sight of tiny baby humans who already love each other.

I have already shared this video approximately one million times. It's babies! Hugging each other! I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I think it is amazing. Also, if anyone is curious, the thing they are doing is called a Leboyer Bath. I believe it is based on an idea that you can recreate the womb for

I was...not a fan of these books for my own littles. The phonetic spelling and the sassy backtalk turned me off. On the other hand, I have it on good authority that these books were great for "reluctant readers" and got kids reading who might not otherwise crack a book. For that, Park ought to be commended. RIP.

It's true. Or they turn out to be super religious freaks trying to take away birth control (Eden Foods, I'm looking at you).

Yes. The apology is total crap. "We're sorry if anyone was offended, but now we'll go back to shilling for our product." How about a genuine "We were wrong. It won't happen again."

Agreed, with all of my heart. I have one way that works for me and my kids. Good friends and members of my family have other ways. As long as everybody's kids are fed, safe, well-loved, and have a warm place to sleep at night, I'm not going to attack anyone else's style. We all do what we need to do to get by.

I had an outfit almost exactly like the red one with the white apron. My mom saved it, and now my daughter wears it. It is so sweet, but once she outgrows it I know I won't be able to find another.

Edit: Actually, there are some choices, but they are wicked expensive