
Hot take: The Pens aren’t that good. The Flyers are just much much worse.

Me: Well, I finished booking my flight to Dallas next week, let’s see what’s happening on Gizmodo...

I try to keep my emails 1-3 sentences max. I hate getting the 5 paragraph emails. I will skim and miss stuff. if it needs to be that long try another method.

Now playing

LTT made me google “Dyno turbo rag” and I got this.

THIS. I sincerely suspect that the NRA took a huge hit and we need to pounce on the opportunity. I wouldn’t be surprised if Muller effectively destroys the NRA by the time this is done.

That title picture breaks my head....

Touchy subject...Let’s leave this comment in the second round where it belongs

Ouch. Not wrong at all, but still... ouch

How many krill can it consume in 1 hour?

When a bird poops on my car, I make sure to have chicken for dinner.

Now playing

Nirvana’s version of “Man Who Sold The World” from MTV Unplugged is fantastic.

Counterpoint: Acoustic “Everlong” is pretty damn good!

A) UCF would have to know years in advance how good potential opponents would be. They had Georgia Tech on their calendar this year (wiped out by one of the hurricanes), who was a Top 10 team right around when the game was booked.

The great combo of experience of a lifetime and presumably pants-shitting terror.

You’ve just described all 4 seasons of ALF.

Our thoughts and prayers for a swift recovery are with the hospital staff :)

As a millennial, I need to appear #wokeAF and rage about EVERYTHING that appears sexist to make sure that no one calls ME sexist.

Man, this outrage bullshit has to stop. You morons are taking away from legit social issues with this bullshit.