
Traveling to Vancouver next month on Verizon. Planing on using their day pass; any one have any tips or experience? 

Neutral: Put a pre-order on a 2019 Ford Ranger but it won’t be delivered until at least Feb/March next year :(

Here’s your Starr!

As a side note, DeSantis seems like a text book yes man. The ads he is running around here feature his wife telling us how much he loves Trump and cuts to his infant son in a MAGA onesie. Seriously, WTF!?!?! Who does that?


Considering he is in the middle of a Florida gubernatorial campaign, it seems rather tone deaf to alienate a Puerto Rican girl woman. His primary challenger is arguably worse so there is also that.

Haven’t had any major issues but since it’s a new model it’s had it’s fair share of recalls. The one significant issue we’ve had is the it likes to hunt for gears sometimes. Seems to be a PCM issue common with the ZF 9-Speed.

SkyView and StarTracker are also great apps; If you want to dive a little deeper try something like Stellarium.

What you’re saying is... Crows will straight up murder a Raven!

As a Florida native I assume by “banana spider” he was refering to the golden silk spider which is common in most of the state. The idea that someone would willingly set one of these monsters loose in their home terrifies me.

I came here to post this GIF. We are cut from the same cloth.

2 out of 3... I respectfully request my star be returned at your earliest convenience. 

I gave you a star for the effort!

I need to know more about that Alfa; it has a classic, honest look about it! 

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! I was literally wondering this exact thing over the weekend as I followed my wife to return a rented Rogue. I kept thinking it was a strange place to put a transmission cooler.

So just when we thought we were done stepping on our dicks; well here we are...

“I have been and always shall be your President”

HAHA! That sketch is in every Intro to Soil Mechanics book I’ve every read!


I counted at least 19 falsehoods (lies) in your comment and I was being conservative.