
Thank you for breaking the burpee down. My wife and I were just discussing how many people at our gym (kickboxing) do not seem to understand that the burpee includes a pushup.

Cpt. Joe is awesome. I stumbled upon his channel a few months ago and am amazed how much I’m learned about commercial aviation. Fair warning, he’s a bit of an Airbus fanboy.

Honest question to the room... What’s your number for a reasonable tip on a $25 men’s cut?

Neutral: Seriously, The Nissan Frontier

I was struck last night while watching NGT on Cosmos by how simple climate change is to understand. Throughout earth’s prehistory, natural events have caused the earth the expend excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, etc. into the atmosphere causing mean global temperature changes and mass extinctions. Fast

I can’t star this enough! This has been the narrative but anyone that watched that game and is not named Mike Milbury has to admit most of the game came down to some unneeded penalties and lucky breaks. The Caps were off but they were not “dominated”.

This is the first thing I thought when I read the lead. The fans are in this together to the end!

This is an accurate hot take.

IIRC Ford was the one hold out to the government bailout in December 2008.

As a Caps fan you take my star and enjoy it! I’ll take it back in Game 7 next round.


As a longtime Floridian (I know I need to change my name), I can assure you Nelson is not simply the “lesser of two evils” when compared to Rick Scott; careful what you wish for...

Get out of my head! I was just lamenting the need for this today as I got into my truck!

Alex has the correct answer here; also would have accepted Nirvana, Nevermind.

Has no one listened to this weeks “This American Life” podcast? The first chapter is very similar.

Oh good, I was going to google this but you saved me the trouble.

Is this not what everyone over 30 was thinking?

Sega Master System - After Burner

Although there are lots of woman in mine; plenty of guys too.

From the claim website: