
Wrangler news as it breaks!


I see your “flying kicks” and raise you a cup of “earl grey”.

Make all the Florida jokes you want but the Sunshine State has this law on the books and FHP has recently started to enforce it.

Bullshit. Even with 25 of the last 30 winters recording “below average snowfall,” the Washington area’s biggest airport, Dulles, recorded an average of 22 inches of snow. Everyone around D.C. is used to snow by now. They’ve seen it. They know it’s cold. They know it’s slippery.

Find the Skyraider :) Stupid panda.

Nothing about the wrangler? Pretty much the entire vehicle is a throwback throwaway.

Came here to post this; so much wasted potential.

This guy approves!

This is the from the same company that makes the Juke; they will probably use 90% of this design. (Read only slight sarcasm)

Yeah, I couldn’t look at anything else in the picture.

Meanwhile, in China...

Crimea river.

You sir, I like the cut of your jib! I’ve had this thought process a dozen times while siting in my F150 and watching a compact car back in and out of a parking space like they were docking a starship.

Scary stuff; I have a family friend that was in the field for that race. Needless to say, my heart goes out to the riders families.

I stared you yesterday and now today. I would continue to star you everyday if I had the patience. This story brings me back to being a kid in Central Florida and running outside when I heard the mock runs down to Avon Park. They were never that low or inverted but it sent chills up my spine every time. The bonus for

Oh my god, it’s a Mirage.

I did a tiger cruise on the USS Peleliu, so cool!