
After recently having my first child I’ve basically been told baby powder is the most horrible / dangerous / toxic substance known to man and you should never be in a position to inhale it. Now you’re extolling its virtues on the internets. What am I, John Q. Public to believe?

Griffin/Duck ‘16

I’m sorry but all I see here is a talking cartoon dog and duck ranting about economics. Carry on.

Perfect timing... After dropping 25 lbs I feel my plateau is just around the corner and I’ve been worried about losing my focus when it hits. I know I have to stay the course and just push harder but that’s easier said than done.

What is this thing you call Summer?

What is this thing you call Summer?

screw them we should switch to metric.

If you’re “barbecuing” you should be on low heat and flame ups shouldn’t be as much of a problem.

Am I doing it right?

“ ...which I know all about because I have read your columns here on Jalopnik and follow you on Twitter.”

Correction, Admiral Ackbar...

Can’t think of anything in that area, 50 & I-4 is Downtown so it’s not really “South Orlando”. Maybe the old Navy base on the east side of town where Baldwin Park is today? That’s just north of SR 50 but quite a bit east of I-4.

Could not disagree more. CrossFit is not the problem; as with any exercise regimen smart training is the key. If you have good coaches that teach proper form you will have absolutely no problem. I’m a beginner and with good coaching I’ve learned proper technique on all of these “CrossFit” related exercises.

As an engineer, part of my job is pavement design. I can’t see how pressure washing the hole would be a good idea as it would add a lot of excess moisture which is likely the main reason the hole formed in the first place. Maybe if you let it dry a day or two? FWIW I didn’t watch the video maybe it says something

Is it still cool to blame the tire pressure? Did I miss that band wagon?

I’ve posted this before but I feel it’s relevant

That was the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while.

Used to have a White ‘74 SV1 with the AMC 360. It spent 4 years hanging from the ceiling in my garage before I got smart enough to dispatch myself from it’s rotting carcass. These things could win awards for the lack of quality control involved during assembly. Plus they are a rolling parts bin (if you can get them to

Now playing

Saw this on and old episode of CCC; I liked it.