
Yeah! They didn’t go far enough! It should be just stick figures and untextured backgrounds. Anything else is blatant sexualization of busty fully grown children and should be illegal.

that is apparently a big fucking market though

So you praise censorship? Weird and fucking stupid flex but whatevs.

I feel like the best way to do this would have been to give the players the ability to choose which version of the content they want in an option menu somewhere or with an additional patch. As it is I’ll probably pass on this one again for the same reasons as last time...

Seriously. You almost have to wonder what the Jets were likewise thinking to agree the deal.

I feel bad, but I gotta assume he is not that good a player, because there is no way the Pats would send a player they thought was good to the Jets.

How grim dark can you get with a guy named E. Nigma?

I spend like 10 minutes just thinking of the perfect name for my WoW character. The first name I choose is always taken.

I understand what you are saying, but a great many people truly enjoy spending time creating an interesting character at the start of a game that could take 100 hours to play through.

Oh my goodness, no. I get so much personal enjoyment out of character-tweaking (Behave) that I can spend at least an hour or more creating a new one every time there’s a new game, or when I go back to an old favourite.

If I don’t know exactly what something does during a game, it’s something I can find out. If

I don’t mean to be a Debby downer, but you do have a choice of who employs you. If you can’t find another job with similar wages and better vacation, you may either have to take a cut in pay to get that two weeks somewhere else, or accept the better wages are a trade off to the limited vacation.

Its total crap. Until this year, we were forced to take 4 days of vacation for our annual July 4th week long shutdown. 

I know this is meant as an intellectually dishonest defense of Tesla, but I think your understanding of the relationship between flash and SSD’s is misinformed.

Think of it as making the fuel filter part of the gas tank. We know the fuel filter has to be replaced every so often or the fuel flow chokes off, but this time the manufacturer has made it so you have to replace the entire gas tank in order to fix the filter problem.

It’s bad design regardless of the level of logging. Logged data should be written its own partition (or preferably physical storage device), and corruption of the logging partition/drive should have no effect on running code. Dialling things up/down can then be made purely on what makes the most sense to log.

A faulty storage device contained in every vehicle, which based on the description of the problem, will have a 100% failure rate over time, and makes the vehicle completely innoperable. Sounds pretty bad to me. 

I’ve seen this before. Someone in software is debugging something, ramps up the logging, fixed 6 the problem and either forgets to turn off the logging or the software manager re-tasks the software person to something else. A few years ago I showed up to investigate why a piece of equipment wasn’t working. The 2TB

The sad reality is that things like this happen all the time in large-scale software/tech projects.  It’s good development discipline to log things at every step, though the common practice is to establish thresholds and to operate normally at a somewhat-sane level of logging.  You dial it up to “ludicrous mode” when