
Jesus Christ. Yeah, it’s a horrible place. All the ethnic cleansers are long dead. Maybe move to Bosnia, at least your shaming will fall on living ears.

“It’s the most amazing thing that the Olympic Games are the only type of mega project to always exceed their budget,” he said.

Yeah, well... duh. This is why I hate these in game transactions. They’re not even micro!

Ah, and so the honeymoon phase comes to an end, and EA, the evil in-law, has declared that they’re moving in.

There is nothing to “crack” Jesus Christ I hate that they keep over complicating Batman. It’s not that serious.

He’s a great director, but he didn’t direct (or write) any of the movies he’s been Batman in, so how much of that is on him?  I don’t think anyone would’ve been a good Batman in any of the DCEU films thus far.

Its literally in the article you apparently took the time to comment on but not read. 

Saying “We couldn’t figure out how to make Batman work” is like admitting you couldn’t successfully sell cocaine-pizza-sex.

That sucks for New Yorkers. Here in California it’s no big deal. In fact, in many cases if a vehicle has been off registration long enough, the DMV purges it from their records.

Here in Georgia a hand written bill of sale and no title needed on something this old. You would be good to go here.

It’s not the engine that’s the deal breaker, it’s the lack of title or reggy. I’ve tried getting an old car (72 Nova) titled and registered in my home state (NY) and it’s a nightmare if not impossible to do it legally, and expensive and shady to do it grey market. At best this is an overpriced parts car :(

I was about 10 and I was aware of her side of events. Maybe they didn't go into much detail on the local news and saved it for the later national broadcast. But it was definitely out there at the time.

I’m not getting how Jordan Peele would find the Bobbit story (or its handling) “outrageous”. I hope to god he (or anyone else) isn’t going to defend her actions. Killing your abusive spouse is one thing. Maiming him in the most disfiguring (and disturbing) way possible is never “self-defense.”  The fact that people


I think it’s clear where the Maseratis went.  Those politicians made up their minds, they’re keeping those babies.

Having been to PNG, I can confidently provide these two bits of info:

“been stolen” - Have you checked the driveways and garages of the politicians who requested the cars, and those of their friends and family?

Well, then let me. That’s hideous.

that looks more like a toilet seat to me

Fucking amateurs.