
Chemistry doesn’t like cold weather.

I gazed longingly at the people at the gas station across the street, fueling up in minutes.

A lot of people don’t know this!

Oh, people drive them here as well. They work. You just lose a significant amount of range, and if the car isn’t always plugged in, your battery will drain rather quickly.

It’s so charming though.

What I learned from this: Quebec is an inhospitable frozen hell zone in winter.

They’re getting there, slowly but surely. Thing is, here in Saskatchewan where it routinely hits -40 and below (such as -50 last week), I can imagine it’ll be even worse. Add the fact that everything here is so far spread apart, and you start running into range anxiety fast. For example, apparently the first gen Leaf

I thought I was going to have to come in here and write up a whole thing defending zipper merge.

But no. Shoulder driving jerk is a jerk.

I’m glad, I’m too tired for a lengthy diatribe on zipper merge. 

The most infuriating in all this is that some “courteous” driver will eventually ruin everyone’s efforts and let him by, waiving and smiling.

Funny I once posted an anecdote about me doing something similar to this on this very site and was pilloried because I may not know if that driver had an emergency. Whatever. Those peopole were idots,a s is the driver in the Daewoo/Chevy here. Huzzah for vigilantes enforcing “no ouchebaggery”

I lived in VT on the Quebec Border. I had a Prius. It got 56 mpg in summer and 32 mpg winter.

I *think* that that’s what happens when the car is plugged in, since it can use grid electricity to warm the batteries and ensure that you’re not starting off with ice-cold batteries.  But once you unplug it’s a completely different calculation.

Subaru offers AWD hatchbacks and wagons. With rare exceptions (e.g. VW Golf R, Volvo V60, the just-discontinued-in-America 3 series BMW), others don’t.

I still can’t for the life of me figure out why more mid to large size vehicles, think anything that can tow over 3000lbs, haven’t gone to an airbag based or at least assisted, rear suspension.

Interesting brag.

If you choose to work insane hours, that’s fine. Especially if it’s your own company or if it’s an anomaly where a rare deadline that has to be met. The article mentions the employees are forced to work these hours. They can always quit, but still you’re a rather shitty employer if you expect 60 hour work weeks, every

I love it - LOVE IT - when a giant-ass pickup parks in a “compact only” spot, with basically only the hood and front half of the cab able to actually fit in said spot, thereby creating an obstacle course for all vehicles passing by.

Are you proud of the fact that you’re overworked by whatever shitty organization you work for?

I don’t understand the insane demand for pickup trucks. I just...don’t get it.

Care to cite those claims as everything you have said is wrong. Subaru is one of the leaders in reliability according to consumer reports Obviously interior is a matter of opinion which I have never been happier with Subarus interior and their CVT is the best in the