
guess what buddy: it’s free.


If Netflix knows what I’m watching all the time, then why does it have to keep asking me if I’m still watching?

In all honesty as a person who does some social media management professionally (not my main gig, but I do run two corporate consumer-facing accounts) it will not hurt them. This kind of irreverence and snark is what most people are attracted to now. Earnestness doesn’t get likes and retweets, sass does, every time.

There are 53 dead people rotting in front of their TVs right now, and all Netflix can think to do is make fun of them. 

You need to take an economics class, or 3

We’re talking about the likes of economy X lost $50-100 but economy Y gained $220,000.

Well, they brought their money to a specific location far and away from where they may have otherwise spent it. So it was a boost to this area’s economy.


Every group of dudes I passed walking to work today in Philly was talking about ACLs like fucking expert physicians

This is a shame because Philadelphia fans are generally such a pleasant lot who just can’t catch a break despite years of loyal and kindhearted devotion to their hometown teams.

It’s great to win the East and all, but trusting Foles with the offense is like trusting your Ferrari to a chump who did really, really well on his driving test a few years ago, but who’s driving record is filled with really dumb accidents since then. We’re fucked.

The job of the military (I spent 20 years in it) is to break shit and kill things. There’s nothing “idiotic” about putting future leaders into scenarios like a football game. Just like there is nothing idiotic about having cadets in a boxing program.

You’re LITERALLY training warriors, and then “ooooooooh, boxing

Jesus Fucking Christ. “Future Soldiers and Marines shouldn’t play football because they might get HURT!!!” is about the dumbest fucking take I’ve seen on this website.

Deadspin used to be a great place for against the grain sports analysis. Now every GMG site has become some way to sling social justice ideals or

Schools have two fundamental missions: nurture young minds, and ensure student safety. Football runs counter to both.

I’ve been to it 2 out of the last 3 years, and am going this year as well. Did not go to either academy, nor do I have family members that did. I absolutely care about it. It’s incredible to watch live, and the emotion that the players have when they Sing Second is awesome.

I kind of enjoy watching the Army-Navy game because many of the offensive plays that are run look like they were run in 1893.

Former soldier here. I care, even though I never went to the academy. My father-in-law (former sailor) and I have been blasting each other texts and memes all week as we always do in the run up.