
Never forget.

Wrong. Philly fans are almost as insufferable as Boston fans and they’ve never fucking won anything in the past 30 years, besides one world series. If Philly teams had anywhere near the success of Boston teams, we’d have to nuke Philly to shut them up.

I used to have some affection for you, Philly. Now you deserve to be smacked in the balls with a cheese ladle. Go swim in a dumpster pool, fuckheads.

It feels very good to be wrong - I didn’t think he would get any time at all

Constructor point penalties? It penalizes the constructor, whose fault it is, not the driver, whose fault it isn’t, and the grids wouldn’t get mussed about every weekend.

Now playing

This is Detective Pikachu we’re talking about, though, who sounds like this in Japanese:

Have at it, boys!

This won’t compel manufacturers to make more reliable engines, it’ll force the teams and drivers to tune them down for self preservation. You probably won’t get to see many heroic qualy laps or go for broke fast laps when you know that it’ll force you to start from the back next weekend.

Sorry but I have no sympathy for him. I won’t say that “just following orders” is never a defense, but when those orders involve a grand conspiracy to commit the same crime repeatedly over many years, deliberately defrauding both the government and consumers, “just following orders” is not a defense.

Not the worst car Chrysler has created by a long shot..

As an IT guy who has left more than one job over requests to do something I thought illegal, I have no sympathy at all. I only hope that VW’s board members face the same should they decide to come for a visit.

oooooh shit, America prison not Germany prison. Yikes.

Players ask for a higher TTK, Bungie gives them a weapon that reduces the TTK to <1 second. Brilliant trolling.

“exposing your kids to the scary internet of things and all of its flaws” 

If you are carrying a cell phone then you already have far more serious privacy issues to be worried about. That smart speaker is potentially listening to you. Your cell phone definitely is tracking every location you go to, your routine, who you speak with, how long you chat with them, etc. On top of that, it is

I assumed you were imply a scale of convenience to intrusiveness. But I feel more comfortable using a dot as an alarm clock/info machine than I do using facebook though I do use both. Now, when I ask for the weather and the Dot responds and says “you will want NPR news update next” and starts to play it, I will unplug

Adam... if you wake up your Phone with Hey Siri, it’s always listening just like these speakers, except they at least stay in a particular room. I know that forces you into a conundrum given your in-the-tank status for the iEcosystem, but facts are facts bud.

“Most dives are fine.”