
Writing this article from a position of ignorance on nuclear safety was a mistake. You should have consulted an expert. Had you consulted an expert, you would know that nuclear material is stored in casks, casks which do not leak, even if a tunnel collapses on them. There is no radiation shooting up out of the ground

Damn, I wish I had known you would be in Beloit! Could have bought you a beer.

Nah fam, you paranoid. Paranoia is justified, but it is still paranoia.

The idea that opening a package with some legalese on the outside constitutes consenting to a contract has always been a bit silly to me. First, there’s no guarantee the consumer has read the package. This is the same reason that, even though you have to click a button saying “I read this and agree with it”, the vast

What evidence do you offer that this is the best hair remover? I recently purchased one for about half the price that operates on the same principle (High energy flashes transferring that energy in to the follicle to kill it dead) and it has a wider aperture, which means you can target more follicles at once.

What evidence do you offer that this is the best hair remover? I recently purchased one for about half the price

“Should unvaccinated kids be banned from daycare?”
Yes, full stop. I have nothing else to add.

I think it is worth pointing out that chiro-quacks are not, and never ever will be, real doctors. Many countries don’t even allow them to use the title “Doctor” at all, because they fucking aren’t doctors. Stop going to the chiro and go see a real doctor!

Destiny took SO much from Warframe. I really hope Bioware decides to collect together the parts of both games that work, and scrap the rest.

Perma-death is not a genre, it is a feature of multiple genres.

Bad Back guy is still there in the post office, I heard his laments today.

Is this one of those situations where they foolishly chose not to use any preservatives because big scary chemically sounding names are bad? Reminds me of when Capri-sun went “preservative free” for absolutely no scientifically based reason, and then people started finding Capri-sun pouches with mold already growing

“While it relishes romance novel cliches, Rose of Winter also strives to tell an affecting, human story, about how it feels to fall in love for the first time.”
Its a cool concept, but the generic Tumblr art is a real turn off. Hopefully the story is excellent enough to make up for it.

I mean, it coooould be due to the fact that Japan is actually one of the most xenophobic and racist developed nations on the face of the planet. Maybe number three or four after North Korea being the obvious number one.

Chiropractors aren’t real medical professionals at all, so I would say no.

Definitely getting the wonderful vibes of Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” from this one. I can’t wait!

I improved my Windows 10 gaming experience by rolling back to Windows 7 Pro. windows 10 is buggy as heck, drivers constantly have issues, it spies on you even more than before, removes a lot of the control you SHOULD HAVE over your OS on your own damn hardware, and is just generally annoying to use sometimes. I can’t

If you own a HOTAS setup, check out the “Evochron” games. Evochron Legacy is the newest one, and the best one so far.

“Unable to reckon with its own troubled morality”.
The answer is don’t think about it, Morty.

My Kindle doesn’t seem to want to give me the update:/ Added to the fact that the previous update made it slow as hell, I think there may have been some kind of issue! Especially compared to my wife’s same gen paperwhite, which received the update and is now zippy-fast. Hmm.

Good article, but you definitely need to lay off the “scare quotes”.