
Shit, somebody finally found my boots? I've been looking for those things forever!

There was a site called "The Black Table" that had articles on "controversial" topics, such as how to make prison wine. They stopped posting years ago. I haven't actually checked to see if they're back up or anything, but I'm at work right now, so I cannot.

I'll preface this with a rant I wrote on facebook when I finally got away from this dickbag a year ago.

Yeah, it worked for all of those folks they arrested for growing drugs! Nobody grows weed or manufactures meth anymore, right?

POOP! He said poop.

The instructions are quite easy to infer from the video. He got a break-off box knife blade, a piece of aluminum channel, a piece of threaded rod less than or equal to the diameter of the hole in the blade, and a nut to fit the threaded rod. you could also use a washer. you make cuts in the channel of different

While I am greatly excited by this game, I feel like it isn't going to live up to the hype. Mainly based on the fact that not a single game has ever lived up to the hype in the last ten years.

Indeed, sir.

Actually they sort of do. That water doesn't just disappear. Additionally, you might not know this, but nuclear power is far far safer than most other forms of energy. The "Fukushima Disaster" has irradiated less Japanese land and people than the coal fired power plants in the US, because coal is radioactive, too.

You know what? No. I am getting so sick and tired of being told what I am and am not allowed to say. I am a grown ass man with a wonderful wife. It is up to HER to decide whether or not my contributions to any activity or condition allow me to say that "we" did it. You aren't the word police.

To understand the answer behind your question, you have to do a little math. OF COURSE more vaccinated people spread diseases like pertussis than unvaccinated people. Do you know why? Because there are few unvaccinated people in relation to the number of vaccinated ones. Lets say that 15 percent of the population

No no no. Toilet paper is white so you can tell when you're done wiping.

"Please leave this place forever."

I don't know who makes the facebook posts, but that "you won't believe" click bait BULLSHIT does not fly around here.

What made you choose the i5 4430 over something that could do, say, 3.5GHz Base? Budgetary constraints? I am not asking to be insulting, and I am by no means trying to criticize. I am honestly curious as to why you didn't spring for a faster chip.

internetwork Operating System is the name Cisco gives to its router OS for most models. It used to be called something else, but that was before my time. As for the other two, I cannot for the life of me remember where I read about them, but I agree that they sound redundant.

integrated OS. internal OS. internetworked OS. All of these are phrases which are shortened to iOS by various companies.

If you're looking for a single AAA pocket light, get the Rayovac mini keychain light from Walmart or equivalent. $3 plus a battery and you're good to go. I have been using mine daily for months, and haven't had to change the battery yet, with no noticeable drop off in brightness. I yanked the keychain bit off of

Anyone who continues to tout the "Ebils of the pink sleim" after reading this is a fucking moron. I am so sick and tired of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about saying that such and such a thing is bad for me, this other things is good for me, that I need a dietary cleanse, that I should do a