
LMK what you want for it!  I think it’ll work in my MK5

I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.

I’m gonna look through my Google Photos and Drive tonight for a few.

I think I may have relayed this story to you at the Jalopnik meet-up in Austin, but I once owned a pink car. The problem was, on account of being colorblind, I didn’t know it for three months.

Holy link gore batman 

That link looks LEGIT.

That’s the most interesting looking web address link I’ve ever seen.

Two of the best looking Citroens ever made owe their existence to the Freelander wielding Duke of Edinburgh. In the late 50's he was given a look at some future Austin models. Being a fan of modernism at the time, he wasn’t best pleased with the frumpy efforts they had come up with. He suggested that they should work

I had a short stint at a company that made concept cars and I saw 3 levels of concept builds. Not rocket science but still pretty obscure:

Stephen Miller takes the concept of self-hating Jew to a whole new level.

The truly twisted and self-loathing part of idolizing Calvin Coolidge and the Immigration Act of 1924, of course, is that it slammed the door on others of Miller’s own ancestry (who were, consequently, left behind to die under the very kind of ideology he advocates).

Dude, wanna go check out the Turd Of Unknown Origin show this weekend at The Vogue?

Would have been more disturbing if turd was of known origin. 

It’s rare for people to experience Virgin a 2nd time.

I was on a flight from LA to New York on JetBlue. I was seated in the aisle, and next to me was a 400lb mentally disadvantaged woman with her caretaker. She was in the middle, the caretaker was up against the window. Once the flight lifted off, they each had a mission they intended to diligently pursue. The

Log cabin

Cleveland browns? Checks out.

+1 Cleveland Steamer. Seems legit.

Technically this wasn’t while flying, but one time while walking through the Cleveland airport to catch a connecting flight, I came upon a kids playhouse like this in the middle of a departure lounge.

I assume some day I’ll be able to see Anna Chlumsky on screen and not sob and picture her yelling “Where are his glasses? He can’t see without his glasses!” But that day is not yet here.