
About insurance: since 2005 it is mandatory to have liability insurance (i.e. it covers damages to others if you are in fault). Optionally you can buy more complete coverage (like any damage to your car, theft insurance...).

I guess i’m qualified to answer this question, since i live in Russia and got my license 3 years ago :)

Poor little Drew P. Neck!

You can try and expose it but the deputy mayor will just get your story killed (or moved to page 6) But still a reckoning will be had. 

Really! First thing I thought of was Drew P. Neck

Why is Bob’s Burgers the only outlet willing to expose the coruot underbelly of turkey pardoning?

So the Porsche, Ferrari and Unimog all survived. Check him out on IG @laspeed . He’s got some crazy footage from the fires

Hey Guys,

Yeah, just drive it up to loading dock 7 around 9pm and ask for Takahashi. Slip him a half crate of squid leg jerky and he’ll wave you in. I’ll make sure your car goes right up in the QA check line along with all the NDs. Nobody will notice, trust me.

It’s not like people don’t know the cars are there. Stuff just gets in the way.

Only two weeks. I have a tab still open from before my last partner and I broke up, on custom engagement ring styles, and that was over a year ago. He wanted me to do less traveling, and give up my job, I wanted him to not want me to do that. I should close that tab. I’m going to do it right now. As soon as I finish

I’m glad it’s not just me.

I feel like this is the equivalent of me leaving 30 tabs open on chrome thinking I’ll get to them later but on a more impressive scale.

Blin, I didn't even know there was a Zhiguli station wagon. 

Yeah, this one’s heartbreaking. Years ago I was shopping for a used car and T road tested a Mk2 GTI being sold by a backwards-hat-wearing Bro from “Reveah” Mass. He was busy telling me how the car was on its second set of wheels ‘cos he trashed the first set hooning around (uh, dude, you’re trying to sell the car -

I’d wager a guess that they’d never driven anything prior to emigrating.

The Golf GTI story filled me with bewilderment. The guy’s badass father could escape the former Soviet bloc, but destroys his child’s dreams over the lack of ability or willingness to learn to drive a manual car?

Vad, Vadya, Vadik... your ex-Soviet parents couldn't drive a stick shift?!

+1 extra star (that I would give if I could) for the 90's photos steeped in nostalgia.