
Jimmy tells Kara that a reporter has a duty to encourage transparency from the government, even as they remain complicit in an ongoing conspiracy do defraud the American people by covering up the fact that the president is an alien simply because they like her politics. Will they be held accountable for this now that

What, he couldn’t have just been upset that his car wouldn’t start? That could be an expensive mechanic bill!

Agreed that Kim was genuinely moved by Jimmy’s speech on Chuck.

Does it necessarily need to get her disbarred? It could just be a stunt that, while legal, gives her a reputation among the judges so that she never gets another PD assignment, thus cutting her off from her “release” from the corporate lawyering that’s eating her soul.

So, when Saul hands Francesca the card of the lawyer to call and says “tell ’em Jimmy sent ya” I wonder if he was sending her to Howard. Or possibly Kim, although since Francesca would know Kim, Saul probably wouldn’t have said where the reference should come from.

The early episodes are a bit of a slog just by the nature of all the cutting back and forth between the various subplots. There are long stretches where I was just getting impatient waiting for the show to go back to what Jack Ryan was up to. I mean, it pays off, but it’s a bit exhausting. And there are a couple of

Especially considering Gus has already defended Mike to Lydia after he already knew that Nacho tried to take out Hector. “Get him a badge.”

My first thought on Kim’s reaction was that she had been taking shit to Howard about how Chuck treated Jimmy that she just assumed the letter was a poison pill and a diatribe about everything Chuck hated about Jimmy. So when it turned out to be just a benign, sweet brotherly letter of encouragement from a simpler

There were two moments earlier in the season were I wondered if those contracts would bite the ladies in the ass before it actually did — when Welfare Queen was selling action figures and when they had the idea for an autograph table to sell their own merch. Either of these would seem to abut the station owning the

I would think it has to be more than just the characters. Given how high Bash was on the show when it started I’m surprised he wasn’t more diligent in maintaining his ownership of it and all its elements, including the characters. If he’s the promoter he’s the one who needed to have the girls under contract, but also

I was thrilled by this episode, both for the concept of it and the execution, how it demonstrates just how well constructed this series is. It’s perfectly placed after the hospital episode that represents the culmination of all the show-within-a-show’s growing pains, as the cast finally comes together and its two

Remember, Clark doesn’t exist until he does

I thought they old the suppliers they were FBI

Aside from the obvious crap this episode was flinging at us, what I found really jarring was how they were treating the trip to Argo City, a relic of an alien civilization, with all the sophistication of a cross-country visit for a 10-year high school reunion — including the human terms for everything. Kara’s friends

The macguffin of the Supergirl movie was the Omegahedron, which the show has already introduced as a Kryptonian power source, and technically, Faye Dunaway wasn’t searching for it, she’s the one who found it and used its powers for her magic tricks. Supergirl was the one looking for it. Nice callback, though.

Superman in season two said Kryptonians age slower.

Well, the creators of the show have said in interviews that they imagined Johnny having to finish the last few months of high school watching Daniel parade around his victory and grows resentful of it. And that fueled a downward spiral. I suppose that if his mother died, his stepfather limited his involvement in his

Ever since the team came back from the future (alternate future now, I guess) I was wondering if they’d address the fact that Fitz was now a 100+ year old who had been in stasis and that his frozen self was still in the present timeline. So when he died I was really hoping someone would realize that the frozen one was

Well, the paradox is the world not blowing up creating the reason for the team to be sent to the future. So everything else is incidental.

Wasn’t the knife/utility tool Simmons picked up the present-day one that belonged to Fitz? It looked like the clean/newer one compared with Deke’s older worn out one they showed earlier in the season from when they were side by side.