I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Hey Red-Hat dipshits! Know what would be a great way to keep costs for working folks down?

Exactly. How does the rule of “don’t rip-off your customers” add massive amounts of time and complexity to the car-buying experience? Perhaps he could explain in more detail how, exactly, this rule negatively affected the car-buying experience? 

bUt TEslA iS a TecHnOlogy ComPAnY!

The Trump Nazis are itching to unleash violence on us. Don’t give them the excuse they need.

He added the rule “would have added massive amounts of time, complexity, paperwork and cost to the car-buying and car-shopping experience for virtually every customer.”

“Getting a loan at 8.5% on a brand-new, three-row, body-on-frame SUV that gets 12 mpg everywhere it goes just so you can be the only person in it during your daily 45-minute commute is a much better idea financially then buying a luxury grand tourer that costs less than a new Civic.”

And the fact that they started walking back those promises pretty much right after election day doesn’t seem to be bothering any of his idiotic base. They already walked back that they will make groceries cheaper. They have already come out and basically said their government austerity plans will probably hurt people,

Yeah, but then you'd be seen in a Tesla.

You do realize that shortages CAUSE inflation right?

Which admin was in charge of that printing & distribution of the money?

Amazing.  Absolutely everything you said is fucking wrong.

Tell me you don’t understand how math works without telling me you don’t understand how math works.

All Trump-caused. Just like the last bout of inflation.

All of these dog-eating Haitian immigrants living in Ohio are going to crash the auto industry.  I guess that’s why Ford stock is down 20% in the last six months.

The amount of outright lying exposed by cops since the invention of the bodycam is truly startling. They know they are being recorded, and yet still lie constantly and commit crimes, to the point that basically anything before, say 2010 or thereabouts, we should assume all the cops lied all the time, about everything.

Hoovie and the Car Wizard have managed to figure out what less expensive consumables cross reference with typical Jettas and Beetles as well as the more complex Phaeton.

Vegas, huh?

Besides, you can probably just fix everything with Jetta parts. It’s basically a Volkswagen Jetta, right?

Now they have pivoted to “yes things will get more expensive for a little bit but that’s only until US manufacturing catches up.”

I worked on the DC-DC converter project, did the mechanical engineering work - the casting design, and connection. It’s an aluminum housing with fins, potted inside. This is the first time I’ve ever seen the finished van. I didn’t think anything ever came of the project.