I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

There’s got to be a morning after...”

I’m on the fence. The ad is in Dealer Scream and I look on that as a red flag. IF (and that is a big IF) the car is as presented, it is NP. But I have my doubts.

“John we have lots of ways that we can get stuff across the border, I will give you a call later I just need you to be complacent and how we do it and I don’t wanna do it over email.””

Three months too early.  If they could have held out until January there’d be no more EPA to deal with, and Attorney General Gaetz will be too busy sourcing more underage pussy to worry about prosecuting anyone. 

Those idiots couldn’t find a fact in an encyclopedia haha

part of an arms race against America’s rivals to reverse engineer the exotic machines

Rounding up millions of people based on citizenship/ethnicity, shoving them into rail cars, and shipping them to a nice, friendly, walled camp/no-mans-land at the border. There will be so many people there that you might even call it a high concentration of people. Maybe it would be convenient to call it a

I will never understand what drives people to pretend to be cops. Even setting aside the legality and the potential legal consequences, why would you want to be a scumbag like that?

Or immigrants. Or trans teenagers. Or Hunter’s laptop.

Dear Leader says they are a good thing. Therefore, they are a good thing.

This is the most thought provoking comment (to me anyways), on Jalopnik, in years.

What about retirees hopping into a 60,000lb RV coach with zero training?

Hi guys, I’m going through a rough time so I got the Bentley edition Versa...  Please try not to think less of me.

Hit the nail on the head here.

I know this is a bit of snark, but I don’t think people value their health, range of motion, etc. enough. This guy is in his 70's, out cycling. He’s probably put a lot into his life staying healthy, making good choices, so that he could feel good in his old age and do the things he loves. And then someone careless and

The only surprising thing about this story is how nothing in it is surprising.

You think it’s bad now, just wait.

This perfectly sums up our healthcare system.

First Gear: What Trump says and what he does are different things.

Miss Alan so much as CEO.