Got to go with the original. Jag XJ.
Got to go with the original. Jag XJ.
But only after the Haitans were given taxpayer-paid gender reassignment surgery on said school buses which caused them to go insane and start murdering (white) children.
The next step is they’ll say that the Haitians are killing and eating the kids on school buses. I know RFK Jr. had brain worms and I’m pretty damn sure Trump does, and if someone still supports Trump they also have brain worms.
To offset those backsteps, they deleted CarPlay for you.
Bob Lutz is quoted as saying he drives a Denali instead of the Escalade. Same interior. More real switches. Same car. Lower price.
And in two years, 1/2 of them won’t work (or they’ll work intermittently), the trims on these switches will be worn and faded, and the paint on the buttons’ surfaces will be wearing off.
The only good thing I can say about this is that it makes yesterday’s Tracker seem like a good deal in comparison.
My favorite part of this clusterflub is that the designs (Boeing and SpaceX) come with their own, proprietary suits that not interchangeable or compatible. Are the suits backwards compatible with what we have currently? Or are they all different specifications?
1st Gear
FIRST GEAR: Ah yes, loyalty pledges. This is something that’s coming into vogue across industries. If people are deemed not sufficiently excited or enthusiastic, they’re viewed as low performers or disloyal and removed from the business. I’ve heard of this happening in tech companies already.
How do you not notice the bed is raised? I can tell when I have stuff strapped to the roof of my car, just by the way it handles. How can a driver haul off with their bed up and not notice the truck is handling squirrelly long before it plows into anything.
It’s real weird to for two people to confidently pontificate about an event that happened a decade and a half ago, which neither of them witnessed, on a TV show that neither of them were involved with at the time.
Try reading the article again. It tells you what he was carrying.
This was an estate sale car recently, I guarantee it.
Well there’s a car that appeals to exactly one person on the planet and that person already owns it.....oh and now even that person doesn’t want it. So it’s a ND with a plate of fava beans.
Because Ford doesn’t make parts anymore. They sub everything out except final assembly. Really it’s the same issue as Boeing. You just can’t keep QC up the same way with subs as when it is in house, and I say this as a QC engineer.
RoFo chicken may be the single most overrated “gas station” anything in existence.
If Chrysler was killed off, would anyone notice or care? How many people are buying $50K minivans to justify keeping an entire brand afloat?
One side of my family had one branch killing another branch in WWII Germany, and both German branches came to an end in WWII. I’m not ashamed of having German (amongst many others) heritage but I’m also not going to fly a Swastika in remembrance as that was nothing to be proud of at all. I love me some beer and brats…
Especially a joke in W. Virginia. Tell me you know nothing about your state’s history without telling me....