I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

I saw a Hellcat Charger or challenger not sure which one, smash a light pole off Jamboree near Hwy 1 yesterday, But that was to be expected...My actual nominee is the Freakin Tahoe. First of all the dam thing is too big, they are driven by short people so they can feel “safe”, but don’t even know the dimensions of

Any truck with modified suspension.

I almost admire Altima drivers for their zen-like ability to simply not give a shit. Running two safety spares at the same time? Fine. Bumper or muffler hanging off? Whatever. Spiderwebbed windshield? All good, man.

I have yet to meet an Altima Driver without a backstory.

I would argue that if they have a 300 credit score and driving without a license, that they are in fact, idiots.

Squatted trucks. I don’t need to say anymore.....

Any Hummer that isn’t owned by an actual government military agency.

::puts on tinfoil hat::

they seem to be asserting that an ‘active snowmobile trail’ is some sort of legally protected entity.

^^ Agreed. This isn’t 1995 anymore, anyone with some patience and a bit of discipline could likely find how-tos and parts for this car online. It’d be an absolute shame to ditch a fine V12 with a GM V8. Nothing wrong with GM engines; it’s just that so much of the character of the Jag comes from that engine. 

Mobile amputation machine.

Now playing

I am one of those people, I raced this one for three years on a tiny budget, the engine is fairly bombproof. It still amuses me that in full Florida boulevard trim the make for lovely relaxed cruisers, a bit of fettling here and there and they will set your trousers on fire. (My next door neighbor came over to explain

If you’re gonna get one, go all out. V12, convertible, low miles, looks to be well maintained. I’m going NP, not only because of those things, but because I’ve always wanted one.

I could care less about the damage done to the environment.” - Christ, what an asshole.  I, for one, care a fair amount about taking care of our environment.  My children have to live in this world.

I will not make bad choices

And an equivalent headline could read...

NO. Worst gen F150. Crash tests are awful.

It’s the Delta Integrale replacement we all wanted. 

Yes, but he’s a white apartheid immigrant, so that’s okay. Somehow.

2nd Gear: Who would have thought that years of self-reporting would get you lax standards?