I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Amazon tracks their every movement.  Meeting their performance metrics may be impossible due to things out of their control.  

I can hear the power steering pump whining right now.  

Keep telling yourself that.

Well, if it ever happens, I will see you in Hell sooner or later.

Because they are on a fool’s errand. By believing they can avoid the consequences of a nuclear war, they are actually making their families suffer longer from eventual starvation and radiation poisoning. That is, unless a more powerful faction storms their bunker, kills the men, takes their food, and makes babies with

I can take solace in the fact that hiding in bunkers will only prolong a slow and painful death for them.

Gresham’s Law, but applicable to automobiles.

I will lump this car in with used Chargers, Challengers, Camaros, and Mustangs:  There’s a high probability it was beaten like a rented mule. ND.

Never was I told in business school that there’s plenty of money to be made from the poor and stupid.  I feel cheated.

Although I fly only a few times a year, the price seems worth it, considering I just paid several hundred dollars for the privilege of choosing seats for me and my wife.

Trump is a gullible person who will go in the direction of whomever has his ear at the time.  

Mine used to take my family on road trips in quiet comfort. If something had to be moved that couldn’t take extreme heat or cold I could take the seats out and Voilà!, I had a climate-controlled cargo van.

They breathed the air in Highland Park and caught the disease.

Did it in the early Eighties, in a Z-28 no less. If I went into highway hypnosis and forgot to look at the speedometer, I would find myself doing 85mph. Cops waiting for drivers like me. After 2 hours of driving, you thought you went nowhere because the scenery didn’t change.  Driving from Denver to Manhattan, KS

Your anecdote is noted.

When Chrysler and Mercedes-Benz merged, the hope was that Benz would help Chrysler build better quality cars. Instead, Benz quality went into the shit catcher, never to recover.

I would take the old school 6.75 Rolls V8 over any BMW V8/V12 as far as reliability goes. I rarely reject cars on their paint alone, but unless I was some kind of poseur tooling up and down the Vegas Strip, no thanks.

I still miss mine 12 years after owning it from brand new to barely running donor car.

2nd Gear: Trying to sell pickups without a V8 (at least in America) is a non-starter.

If I wanted something to empty my bank account, I would have bought last week’s TR8.  It would have been much more interesting to own.