I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Many years ago, I was on a flight sitting next to a very attractive young French woman. She stunk, and not in a “I had to run a long distance to catch this flight” way. I mean, homeless man on the subway stunk. Back then, I would have chatted it up with her, but I couldn’t wait for the flight to end.  


The MAGA echo chamber keeps repeating this bullshit.  

I’ve been in many situations where the CFO’s want to run the business, or at least try to heavily influence it.  Check out what Roger Smith did to GM in the Eighties.  Bean counters need to stay in their lane.  

Not just Chrysler.  My dad had to go through this drill with every Oldsmobile he bought.  It was like the dealer had to complete the assembly of them.  

The Dakota used the front suspension from the Aspen/Volare with torsion bar springs.  In other words, they attached parts from a very light duty car to a pickup truck.  Don’t know who at Chrysler thought it was a good idea.  Probably the accountants.

Ok, I will be a little bit sexist here. In my casual observation of females who drive Escalades, Navigators, even Tahoes, they don’t know a damn thing about physics. The thought of them driving a 4 1/2-ton vehicle scares the Hell out of me.

“Beef is artificially inexpensive because farmers feed corn to cows, even though their digestive systems aren’t designed to process it.”

I was looking for crawl space vents on the Ace Hardware site.  One guy gave the vents 1 star because he bought the wrong size.  

The content was more on the social structure of capitalism rather than the merits or faults. This structure, which was somewhat dismantled in the early-mid twentieth century through laws and trade unions, has rebuilt itself with a vengeance in the late twentieth century where so few (the 1 percenters) own the means of

This MBA was required to read Marx in college.  I’m glad I did.  He explained the very foundation of capitalism.

It was thoughtful for Buick to put ashtrays in the third seat for the kiddies.

Any vehicle that won’t let me turn off auto stop.

I suddenly have the urge to move to Paris, shoot some heroin and fuck with the stars.

It’s a shame Ford didn’t reach back into their rich history of car names.  I would have preferred “Galaxie” for this EV.

I believe they now come with 3-cylinder engines.

On an almost unrelated note, I try to imagine how the Lamborghini engineers reacted when they were presented with a Chrysler V-10 engine, a decades-old LA V-8 with 2 extra cylinders grafted on, cast in aluminum for the first time, and told to make it worthy of exotic cars.

I’ve read, probably on this very site, that rental companies self-insure. Thus, you will never see any damage repair see the light of day. I know rentals are fairly well maintained, but unknowingly buying a car that’s been wrecked to the tune of thousands in damages scares me.

You forgot to do it in all caps. 

They don’t know the meaning of those terms either. Ask them. They usually deflect by calling you a Marxist/Socialist/Communist or other term they also don’t know the meaning of.