I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Did unemployment and divorce send him to Trump, or did Trump send him to unemployment and divorce?

“fewer part numbers to simplify marketing, engineering, manufacturing, while maintaining the best features customers want.”

1st Gear: I hope Tesla did a crash course on the concept of “least privilege access”.

Don’t forget Mississippi.

It could’ve had a V-8.  ND.

If you’re lucky, you get a Taurus steering wheel.

In my experience, when the Feds give you money, they tell you how to spend it.

Don’t worry how the dash will look after off roading.  98 percent of them will never leave pavement.  

2nd Gear:  How can a state put their own conditions on federal funding?  

Vinfast share are already down to $30.47 from $37.06. Of course, the options traders are the ones responsible for this. They will now buy puts on it until it’s down to zero.

A short while. It gets real dangerous real quick, though.

Hillbilly Boomer shit for some Boomer who measures his success by the number of toys in his driveway.

I will wager that the dangling POS Cadillac was dumped by the owner, who reported it stolen.

The same stuff GM put in their pickup trucks and vans, but don’t tell that to an RR snob.

Look under the hood of any car built in the Seventies.  This is what you will see.

It will take an equal amount of money to get it right. That said, NP. It will make a great “weekend car” for ~$20k.

Correct. I consider my pickup the ‘77 Lincoln Town Car I never had, except it brakes and handles far better, and gets 20mpg while doing 75mph.  

Several years ago, I decided that “IPA” was a mediocre beer the brewer tried to salvage by dumping a shitload of hops in.

How much for the Saab?

If I see a dog in a restaurant, I am leaving and never coming back.