I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Pardon my total lack of knowledge on this, but let me ask this question:  I am assuming there is little risk from driving on these roads, but what is the risk of those building these roads?  I am somehow reminded of the watch dial painters in the days of yore, where only they received significant doses to impact their

So now Ford has created a cost/benefit analysis for potential buyers, i.e. how much gas needs to be “saved” to make this option pay back its cost.

I can buy a car that is just as interesting, if not more interesting for less than half the price.

There’s a lot of “we’ll make it work somehow” going on.  Always has because Americans suck at money management.  Hope they got gap insurance.

But I want to be in a Pharoah like tomb, complete with all of my worldly possessions available to me in my afterlife.  

Is their gas Top Tier?

Went to the post office in a neighboring town to renew an expired passport. The postal worker who processed it was great. Should have my passport in September.

Does it have direct pipelines, or do the tanker trucks come in every 10 minutes?

Donald Pleasance, of course. The original Doctor Evil.

I only wax the hood. That way, from the driver’s seat I have deluded myself into thinking the entire vehicle looks as good.

When I was eighteen, I bought a Gen 2 Z-28. When I turned 22, I said “why the Hell am I driving this?” I guess that was the exact moment I became a grown-ass adult. Traded it in on an Escort. Didn’t care what they gave me for trade in and stopped caring what anyone thought about me.

This dumb bitch is stupid and wrong every which way.

I was being sarcastic.  

I was probably on that train, or it happens way too frequently.  Same route.  I kept looking out of the window thinking I could walk faster than this train is going.  

Nope. Nobody wants to work ‘cause of them gubmint handouts.

They could claim some bullshit like they are 1099 contractors, consignees, agents, etc.  Whatever excuse they can throw in the hope something sticks to the wall.

Considering how slimy these stores are, I can’t help but think the owners were in on the scam.

The owners fired them after they became aware of the complaints?  Why didn’t they call the cops?  

I thought amethyst is purple, not yellow.  

The Aryan Brotherhood will show him the error of his ways.  /s