If you think about it very deeply, you will notice that the similarities between the two industries are striking.
If you think about it very deeply, you will notice that the similarities between the two industries are striking.
Watching this makes this old boomer want to check out sooner rather than later. I once had hopes for humanity. What a fool I am.
Polaroid, too.
I still categorize N/A beer with decaffeinated coffee: What’s the point?
A 100-mile snapshot is not the same as total cost of ownership.
The Lumina may have been an “awful” car, but there are several in my vicinity that refuse to die. Not bad for a 20–30-year-old car.
I was once a GMC loyalist but became a nomad when the GMC dealership closed down. Now I buy from a nearby Chevrolet dealer. The only difference between the two is the labeling.
Compared to my credit union’s 0.5% for their savings account, I can’t refuse.
They’re great with Horsey Sauce.
My brother bought a new ‘78 Trans Am. It was an absolute piece of shit from the get-go. It rattled like they hand tightened every nut, bolt, and screw on the damned thing. The shaker would rattle when the engine hit a certain RPM, and the dealer’s remedy for the leaking T-tops was to provide a towel. The orange-peeled…
Because American education is fucked. 54% of American adults have a literacy below 6th grade level. If you can’t read, how can you understand a TitleMax contract, let alone have a grasp of “that math stuff”?
I never realized that great amounts of money can be made off of the poor and desperate. I must have been out that day when they talked about it in my MBA program.
A lot of people are living desperate lives, whether of their own making or not. Pure capitalism dictates that someone must profit from them.
Financial literacy? Functional illiteracy is the foundation of which financial illiteracy is built upon. There are far too many Americans who couldn’t read and comprehend a simple loan contract, let alone one that is weasel-worded like a TitleMax contract.
Adding to your analogy, after the surrender, soldiers from both sides looted their farmhouse of everything to get souvenirs of the occasion.
Youngkin has yet to articulate “known ties to the Chinese Communist Party” and how “the potentially damaging effects of the deal were realized”.
I live 10 miles from Moss Motors, so I’m sure they will be more than happy to drain my bank account. NP.
“SJ 4 states that oil and gas production has been one of the Cowboy State’s “proud and valued industries” that has created “countless jobs” and revenues for Wyoming throughout its history.”
I object to the use of the word “attempt”. There is no evidence of it with this car.