Don’t worry. Who would fuck that? He’s an incel for life.
Don’t worry. Who would fuck that? He’s an incel for life.
Why are these rules just for teens? Adults can be just as guilty, and long-time members who should know better infuriate me especially.
Gotta make the quarterly numbers. Seen Tesla’s stock price lately?
I hate these goddam things. They are seriously overrepresented in my area and are driven by people who have no business driving them, i.e. they sure as hell aren’t farmers or ranchers.
Americans in general operate in their own vacuum. If Fox News ran something like this they would emphasize how ‘socialist’ most of these countries are.
U.S. oil production went up 100K bpd after weeks of holding at 11.9M bpd. I sense collusion, but hoping someone will get greedy and start pumping much more out of the ground.
My wife and I ate there during our honeymoon road trip in 1986. Still have the pictures.
It’s funny that the lower the skill requirements and pay, the more the employer has the attitude that the employees are overpaid, incompetent, and stealing them blind.
Exactly. The guy should have been promoted up to district manager.
The engine and transmission are bullet proof. 100k miles is just the beginning for them provided they are properly maintained.
Not to repeat myself from yesterday’s QOTD, but the person being eaten by the snake is a Moop.
Have German engineers invaded Ford, i.e. take something simple and proven through decades, and complicate the hell out of it?
And the smarmy VP of Sales would say something like: If I have to do your job for you then I don’t need you.
Whenever a CEO says “rally hard” to “meet the quarter”, it means send out products with lower quality and to cook the books.
I believe the snake is eating a Moor. Or is it a Moop?
Smog, mileage, and possibly performance issues could be remedied by replacing the carburetor with a fuel injection unit.
Read and learn:
In Bubba-Land, people like this will admit failure but will never be held accountable. They will be greeted warmly when they shop at the Piggly-Wiggly and will carry on with their lives like nothing happened.
1st gear: Do regular gas stations comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act? If so, what are the requirements?
Back in the Eighties when I was wandering around a Ford dealership lot I noticed that all of the cars had California emissions on their stickers. I was living in Maryland at the time. I bought one and it didn’t affect me at all.