I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

There is only one picture of the engine bay, but I’ll be damned if I can find anything that hints of an A/C system.

Supposedly ‘world famous’, but kind of pricey.

What’s next? Homosexuals? This country is going to Hell!

Scratch offs.

This is the car for driving around a little college town, and nothing more.

I’ve always wanted to drive one of these babies before I decided whether to own one.  That said, the confusion on the model year makes me think it is a bit overpriced.

Yep. Once his celebrity winds down to nothing he will eat a gun.

West Texas?  No thanks.

But it wasn’t his personal car yet, since he was still paying it off and presumably it had a lien on the title.

I believe the concept of agency applies here, thus voiding the ‘freelancing’ bullshit.

Please tell us more about life without central banking and reverting back to a gold standard. All of that worked out splendidly, didn’t it?

Fortunately, the money supply can be reduced.  It will kill the stock and bond markets, but that’s the tradeoff.

If it lasts through a summer without the engine or transmission destroying themselves, why not? If it lasts through two summers you have done very well.

4th Gear: The first lesson of any computer security/continuity of operations course is NEVER put your computers at the lowest point of a building (e.g. basement). Water tends to collect there through flooding, burst pipes, etc.

I swear there is a direct correlation between the student loans being handed out and the ever-rising cost of college. If loans were no longer handed out the cost of education would drop noticeably, and for-profit colleges would be swept into the dustbin of history.

Subsidies only fatten the pockets of the manufacturer and provide a disincentive for them to lower their prices.

This guy is supposedly an economist?  He must have slept his way through college.

It makes them less than an honest broker.

Did Fox News take a page out of the German Nazi Party’s playbook when the Reichstag mysteriously burned?

Agree. How can you go wrong ending your trip directly in mid-town Manhattan?