
Hasan Minhaj calls out Deadline. Splendid.

I’m assuming 3'44" will be prominently played. Audience, do not adjust your speakers.

Historically terrible episode.  I have no idea which SNL writer paid this AV Club reviewer to say this fawning garbage.

How does this affect customers with Showtime on a cable subscription?

Is this going to affect the old-school theatres which still don’t have reserved seating?  How will they determine the prices?  Or is this news basically confirming that seat selection is coming to every cinema?

I rather like my Showtime channel, mostly because of the fine documentaries they air. They better not take them away. They will have to pry them from my cold dead hands.

Geez, they give out so many awards their ought to be an award for the one movie that didn’t get an award.

She made an average movie with a very cheesy ending quite good and worth watching. Check it out.

The David Bowie doc "Moonage Daydream" missing a nomination is a joke. Easily the best of the year.

This movie is going to disappoint everyone, from those who want a celebratory portrait to those who want a criminal takedown. You’re going to get a murky middle that pleases nobody.

Close, Delaware!

I dunno man, the maturity level of that particular room of 14-year-olds was very very low -- or, exactly where most expect -- and it was the only thing we talked about the rest of the year. It was relatively early in the school year and she totally lost the class after that.

Came here to post this!  It was 9th grade for me and I could not believe my otherwise competent teacher was showing us this movie.  She warned us about the scene but we just watched it right on VHS tape.  Wild.

A fine list, but egregious omissions:

Babylon was so fucking bad. A massive pile of elephant diarrhea is the least stupid thing in the interminable opening orgy -- literal and figurative -- which then finds a way to last another two-and-a-half hours and say nothing interesting.

Also, it sucked.

“Elvis,” somehow *not* a "MOTION PICTURE, MUSICAL OR COMEDY" ?

Gives a whole new meaning to “getting Even.”

The brilliant brilliant documentary “A Lion in the House” — co-directed with Steven Bognar — is criminally underseen, and it’s right on freaking Netflix. Stop watching trash like “Wednesday” and turn on a heart-wrenching documentary, people!

Rescue an animal from a shelter, you monsters!  Breeders are NOT the answer to over-crowded shelters and countless dogs and cats cowering in cages all Winter.  Fuck breeders and you maniacs who pay $2,000 for a pet when you can adopt one, often for free!, at hundreds of shelters.  Plus, I guarantee your new fluffy