
That simply was a Thing That Should Not Be.

Hm, point taken, that film is a disaster.  But I’ll push back a little that at least it’s (unintentionally or not) funny and ludicrous.  The above is simply unwatchable trash.

This is the movie I tell people is the worst movie I’ve ever seen when I’m asked, “What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?”  It’s this.  This movie.

Boy, when someone asked him years ago what he’d give to play in the NFL, I bet he never thought it would be his left one instead.

Cross my heart and hope to die,

Jeffrey Epstein clicked on this story because of the title.

This is one of those movies that is rescued from “fine” to “oh damn, pretty good” because of Fonda’s absolutely historically incredible performance.

I live in Delaware, so I hear a lot about Harris as he represents the part of Maryland that almost surrounds my state. What a punk ass motherfucker.

What a PR disaster.

More like Double-O 10 out of 10!  Love love love this!

I was coding a visit the other day, when I realized the wasp sting codes have choices for assault and intentional harm as well, i.e. — Toxic effect of venom of wasps, intentional self-harm, initial encounter.  Love it.

Thanks. ICD-10 codes are my life.

The last tweet just pissed me off.  The rest of the story was great.  Saying “yep, this proves God is real” is asinine and moronic.

I am a false prophet, god is a superstition.

Actual scene in downtown Stockholm this very moment:

Welcome to Marwin.

The Phillies took down every mention and photo of Herrera at the ballpark. What, they're just going to welcome him back now?

Daitro, Raein, Me and Him Call It Us, and Jerome’s Dream would like to speak with you about that.

This was so well written, Michael.  “She chose humanity.”  Love it.