
They need to fix that we have to pay to enable it but trolls can still bother you? That annoyed me.

The Homer is WAY faster.

Now you want Obama care in whatever country you live in now? You make no sense please kill yourself.

Also its "2k" or 2 grand. The k means grand already so you wrote "2 grand grand".

Reading your comment just gave me migraine. I feel bad for the people in the country that you stay in now. Their gene pool will never recover.

Reading the youtube comments to this video was haliraous, who knew all the gullible youtube commentors where republicans.

Sorry asshats who think they can make as many nazi flags as they want because "freedom of speech". Freedom of speech means you can say anything but a threat and not get thrown in jail for it THAT IS ALL. Since DICE's owns the servers you are being an asshole on then they can kick you or ban you whenever.

Passive mode is useless you can die in your car by being shot and you can get run over. I was playing for a wile last night with passive mode on driving my hot knife and I kept getting chased by broke ass jealous cunts who wanted my car.

If you don't care then don't click the article and comment. Its simple, I don't care for game of thrones but I don't go on articles saying how much I don't care for it. I just scroll pass it.

Switching from wifi to ethernet if possible is a big help also. Been able to play a pretty sizable amount of time with no lost connections. Met a lot of weirdos too , one guy online chased me down twice to walk up and drop money in front of me.

I was playing for awhile just fine in a room with 12 people then around 4 it kicked me off. My guess is the kids getting out of school flooding the servers.

Never cared if Skylar lived or died even when she cheated I just gave out a loud "HA" after Ted died though. Cant wait for the Saul show now.

Happend to me 3 times I went into my second account that has no gta saves and updated it. Works fine now except I cant join a game.

That bad? I stopped watching after ep 7 of last season should I even watch whats left?

The update prompt froze my PS3 3 times, it never froze before. Luckily updating it through my second account with no GTA 5 saves let it update with no freezing.

Didnt check dates was on a lunch break calm down.

It was the only one I found that looked close enough to the stolen owners pictures so I posted it . The rest are either restored, parts cars or jacked up on gaudy 20 inch rims.

Found a flat blue Camino same rims but different grille heres the link if any one is interested.

A friend of mine had his Camino and his Cutlass stolen he only got the Cutless back, he shaved the trunk and door locks after that but it was stolen again. Will keep an eye on craigslist ads for the Camino though.

.....it reproduced? KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!