Know some one like that too. Even bought an Explorer so he didn’t stand out in his uniform that he wears off duty also.
Know some one like that too. Even bought an Explorer so he didn’t stand out in his uniform that he wears off duty also.
It's a Jersey thing.
And the black “scar” lines over one headlight.
He could probably say it in Russian really good though.
Knowing Ferrari they will just drop “Steve” and it will just be the “Mcqueen California T"
RIP Mitch
Is at as Alt Right as Tim (ex cocaine dealer) Allen’s Last Man Standing?
23!? He looks like he is 45!
He died 7 days later in the hospital.
Just downloaded it the other day for XB1 and got to 13 before I crashed and couldnt th escape the zone. Watched lots of tip videos before I jumped in tho. Easy to see why it’s so addictive.
It’s a demon not a hellcat.
Dam Jeep had two movie trim cars. Only knew about the Dawn of Justice themed Renegade.
Ironically they are built in Canada with engines made in Mexico. Even more ironic I see mostly Latinos driving FCA products (atleast in my city they do).
Mistake already in the first sentence in. It was a Dodge Challenger not a Charger. They looked totally different. One is a coupe the other is a sedan.
Slightly off topic but there is a older lady who I run into at the store a lot. She wears thongs and boy shorts panties over them as if they are real shorts. I bet I will be seeing her shopping around the store with this on soon.
“2016 Atleast it rolls downhill in neutral award”
Insert “yeah but Michelle wasn’t classy like our new first lady who had her tits out on magazine covers” comment.
To be fair he went to Ottos School of Hard rod Knocks.