
Wheelman is awesome.

Agreed, very nicely done! More like this please!

You have to pay union dues in a union shop because you enjoy the benefits of the union negotiations whether you are a member or not. You still get the same pay schedule, time off, health insurance, etc. If you got all the same benefits with none of the costs the NO ONE would join the union, and it would die. The only

Teacher here. My union dues are about 0.5% of total salary. And for that I get a team negotiating my salary for the rest of my career and working to protect our pension system. I’d say that’s worth it. I’d gladly pay 10x more and it would still be a great deal.

It’s a much larger city than I expected, lots of large buildings where I assumed there would be slums. Shows how little I know. It is crazy how few cars are on the roads. Would make it an awesome place to drive as fast as you want.

I think we could be friends IRL.

Do you have a decent one? I’ve had an Escort 8500 X50 for maybe 15(?) years and it’s still extremely useful. Most cops - like 95% where I am in Chicago - still use KA band and they leave it on all the time. I almost never see laser.

Vasectomy. Best money I ever spent. 2 days of frozen peas and a lifetime of unencumbered bareback goodness.

BTW - what the hell do you have to do to get out of the grays here? I’ve been posting on kinja for a year and a half.

We have a Flex with 3 kids. All three in boosters now, but they were all in backwards facing at the same time a few years ago. We did three across the 2nd row for years. Now one kid hops over the seat and buckles themselves into the back row.

Sorry i dont like shit interiors. TEslas are for driving to work and impressing your coworkers driving to lunch with fast launches. The m5 eats highway miles for breakfast.

Which one wins in a 400 mile road trip race? Where’s your electric messiah now hmmmm?

Exactly! What needs to change? You get a proper volume knob and simple direct controls for everything that needs immediate adjustment.

Maybe because you have to drop the kids off in the morning, but then get to rip it on thr back roads on the eay to work? Thats why i have an e39 540....

Excellent piece! More Jalopnik stories on design please!

So SO ugly

How can one discuss warships without mentioning politics? Warships ARE politics writ large.

“thwacked in the taint with a frozen turkey.”

Or just maybe, people could take responsibilty for their own major life decisions? No one ever taught me anything about buying a car or a house. So you know what I did? Before handing over a major part of my paycheck each month I spent a few hours online and at the public library getting a basic understanding of

I think jezebel has taken this guy’s quote out of context. He’s not saying that a woman’s body is not her own; he’s saying that the BABY’s body is not her own. She is hosting the baby’s body inside her own, and that maybe the woman doesn’t have 100% right to decide if that baby lives and dies after she made the CHOICE